We’re still supposed to call him that?
We’re still supposed to call him that?
Thank you for that image. :|
You haven’t actually ever even fucking watched Derren Brown, have you?
You just got burned. Shut the fuck up and move on like a man.
Because with most of their commenters in the grays, chances of those “facts” getting corrected are relatively low.
Boo fucking hoo.
The head of Russia’s curling federation suggested Krushelnitckii had food or drink spiked with the drug, possibly by Russia’s political enemies.
Not to come off like a huge dick, but frankly, your father in law deserves everything Paul Ryan has in store for him for supporting what Paul Ryan has in store for him.
I need scissors! 61!
ResetEra is like the worst of reddit, soooo....
Dipshit confirmed.
Aw, can’t. :< Billy Fuccillo has that one trademarked unfortunately.
Why the fuck are we crediting ResetEra? They didn’t do shit - they just reposted the video, same as you.
Let’s face it: A war on skinny jeans was long overdue.
People just can’t shut the fuck up, can they? They just can’t shut the fuck up and watch a fucking movie anymore.
I bitched until they sped up my shipment, so mine arrived on time. :3
Tell that to Japan.
Isn’t that way beyond him though? Trump playing 4D chess is like a honey badger reading books on quantum mechanics.
I specifically bought a Switch for Bayonetta. And that was around July, when seeing it on the Switch was just wishful thinking.