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This is literally who Sarah Sanders reminds me of:

Might not be enough seeing as the Russians are fast gearing up to fuck with our elections yet again, this time midterms.

No, THIS guy is a proper cunt:

All drugs only work because of the human brain, and all substances that the brain likes are addictive (sugar, for instance, is more addictive than heroin). They can’t not be.

From Trump lol. But if anything, white men are taking the brunt of the #MeToo impact for a reason. (I’m of the opinion Bill Cosby is very much a white man in a black man’s skin.)

I feel fucking dirty for making a similar argument he did a while back ago - back when George Takei and Stan Lee got accused. In my defense, and honestly really, those were VERY hollow and suspect accusations that predictably produced nothing.


He IS dangerous. He’s feeding off the teet of the GOP’s tax cuts! We can’t have that sort of unpatriotic shit gallivant about!

ICE is fucking deplorable as always. That being said, I AM seeing a trend with some of these illegal immigrants. In no way am I playing devil’s advocate, but in so many of these cases, it’s remarkably easy and open for them to apply and get a proper green card or even citizenship.....yet they don’t. So many of their

People will just get addicted to something else as it stands. And whatever that is, that too will be scrutinized and blamed.

Yeah. Name one particular religion whose organizations are frequently, repeatedly, legally allowed to ignore constitutional rights.

You deserve a slap for that one. Not a lecture, not an angry internet comment, not even a witty quip.

Oh comon, he’s adorable.

I’ll take it.

That’s pretty damn cool. Unfortunately, fuck GTA Online.

I love David Oyelowo, but his performance in this film was the hammiest I’ve ever seen. Which is weird, because all the role demanded was to sit down while looking stern and concerned, and then yell at people when bad shit happened.

Trump shut it all down. Took down the solar farms for more golf courses, and deported all the scientists working on alternative energies to Mexico.

Can’t wait for some fucking dickstain to judge me behind a fucking monitor and shove guilt down my throat because I like watching movies at the Drafthouse on the experience alone.

Fuck off. All your kind does is sit behind a fucking computer and judge everyone else. For inaction.

My god you people are fucking assholes.