
It won’t happen because Americans know, whether or not they’ll acknowledge it, that data mining is ultimately convenient for them as consumers. This is all just fake outrage because they feel like privacy is something to be valued, but they actually don’t care. It’s the same reason why your friend from High School

This comment brought to you by the color beige

Think of it as a free calf workout. You’re never skipping leg day if you’re in traffic.

That’s a picture from a protest where one of those militia assholes literally shot a person.

Oh word, I’d love to see some video of cops manhandling white redneck militia men. Because every single news story of the Brandenburg event from June 12th identifies the protest as being peaceful. Please, send me a link that shows these men being tear-gassed, arrested and pulled into unmarked vans and I’ll rescind my

Brad, this whole ‘come out of the gates swinging in defense of my opinion’ attitude you bring to the comment section of every one of your articles just makes the trolls worse. Honestly, it also makes you look like kind of an ass.

Pretty sure 99% of deli sandwiches out there use raw onion (when you ask for onions at Subway those are not cooked; but also, don’t eat at Subway)

We should be careful about shaming people who don’t kneel. Everybody got all bent out of shape when Kaep knelt, even though it was his first amendment right to damn well do what he pleased. But now that everybody’s all woke we’re doing it all over again - getting bent out of shape when someone doesn’t kneel.

OK let’s play that card - the cops didn’t attack them because they’re black. So then why didn’t the cops respond to the ‘Unite the Right’ rally in Richmond with riot gear and tear gas? Or the dozens of other ‘protests’ by ‘militias’ carrying assault weapons and wearing flak jackets? Nothing screams ‘peaceful protest’

Remember occupy wall street? Those protesters probably did about as much damage, if not more, than BLM. They ruined parks, committed vandalism and left shit and trash everywhere. None of them were tear-gassed, pepper sprayed or shot with rubber bullets. In fact, many were paid as a result of lawsuits after the City

You should track your hours and build cost, like what Peter used to do in Practical Enthusiast; I’d be curious to see how it stacks up in the end. 

Yeah, ‘Introducing the ARB Base Rack - a slight, iterative improvement over existing technology!’ doesn’t have the same ring to it. 

Get the Kuat NV2.0 with the x2 bike add-on for the hitch. I have the Yakima High Road roof rack and it’s a huge PITA, especially if you have an SUV that rides even a bit high (I specifically chose the High Road because you don’t have to remove either wheel; I find it pointless to transport a bike outside the car when

To be fair, the dovetails are actually an improvement over T-slots. If you want to remove/swap something on a T-slot, you have to pull off everything else that’s adjacent, so you can slide the bolt in the T-slot all the way to the end. The dovetail design ARB uses allows you to pull things off independently.

No, that’s not how we want F1 to work, but you have to admit it’s awfully boring to watch Hamilton and Mercedes win every. Single. Race.

They’re already drafting the CEMTRAIL bill (Commercial aEroplane Mind-conTRol Initiation Legislation).

Hey! Don’t wish that bad juju upon us (I live in Portland). I can only imagine the martial law shit-show that would encompass a ‘blue’ (or camouflage, I guess) life lost.

Bezos isn’t depraved for being smarter than the rest of us and thus infinitely more wealthy. The politicians are depraved for accepting bribes to pass tax laws that allow this to happen and Bezos is a fuckhead for bribing those politicians.

If you have a job that needs to be performed and you go to two contractors to perform it, both equally qualified and motivated, but one will do the job for $20 an hour and one will do it for $10, are you inhumane for going with the cheaper labor?