
It’s wildly ironic that Republican goons claim second amendment rights to protect themselves against the ‘Tyranny of government,’ but yet, when it actually fucking happens, they’re nowhere to be seen.

My aunt has stage four lung cancer and she still wears a mask 100% of the time in public. None of these assholes even have COPD, they’re just stupid assholes. 

This is why working on old bikes with a limited budget is a PITA. Something is always broken and nine times out of ten nobody makes that part anymore. It’s even worse when you have a ‘top of the line’ bike; Shimano uses their high-end groupsets to test new tech and sometimes that new tech doesn’t stick, which means it

Considering the vast number of studies, conducted by the world’s experts across multiple countries, hospitals and states and based on findings that are less than six months old, I’d say it’s very “real.”

From Google Earth, it looks like your neighbor to the North has at least a dozen cars, including three seemingly inoperable that are hidden behind a fence. Is that the neighbor that ratted you out? You know, technically a fence isn’t a ‘fully enclosed space...’ 

Once Raph admits his Schwinn obsession is on par with David’s Jeep one, the world will be a much happier place. 

Yeah if you’ve already got it that’s half the battle! My parents moved when I was ~13, so unfortunately we cleaned out all our old ‘90's bikes. I keep telling my wife I’m building a new collection for our kids.

Not to be Safety Stan here, but concrete dust is extremely dangerous to inhale - if you can’t introduce water to keep the dust down, you should always wear a respirator (NOT a dust mask) when working with concrete dust and make sure your area is well ventilated. The silica in concrete, if inhaled, causes scarring of

You’re giving Fox way, way too much credit

I don’t understand this obsession with buying ancient mountain bikes and struggling to fix them up so you can DD them. In 2014 I bought a Scott Scale 970 hard tail 29er; it was on sale at REI and I paid $878. Sure, it’s 3x what Raph ended up paying, but I won’t have to replace a single component for at least a decade.

The entire argument and the basis of our disagreement hinges on when you define an unborn fetus as a ‘baby.’ You would say at conception, right? I would argue no earlier than viability (24ish weeks). Sure, an early term abortion (say 10 weeks) is removing the opportunity for life, but that life has yet to come into

Furthermore, who gives a shit if he DID push you. George Zimmerman MURDERED Trayvon Martin under the guise of trespassing and self-defense. 

So the entire basis of your argument revolves around the claim that because a c-section isn’t the way nature intended humans to give birth, if we call anything born via a c-section a baby then by default everything that is removed from a womb should also be called a baby? 

I’m not telling you what to think, if you want to be anti-choice that’s your prerogative. By definition a ‘baby’ isn’t a ‘baby’ until it’s born. Prior to that it’s a fetus.

Stop calling unborn fetuses ‘babies.’ 

Agree with you here, but what they’re going to eventually roll out is the ability to transfer keys so you can ‘loan’ your car to someone without ever making contact. Say you’re leaving town and your sibling wants to borrow the car, you wouldn’t have to leave a key or mail something to them. I’m sure they’re also

OK now where’s the YouTube video for the crane lift to set both of these in place?

To be fair, he wasn’t (and still isn’t) alone in the whole NBA players with weird and/or bad fashion:

To be fair, he wasn’t (and still isn’t) alone in the whole NBA players with weird and/or bad fashion:

There’s literally a scene in ‘Fate of the Furious’ where the script goes: