
Meh, my Alfa 2.0t has 10k miles and it’s never been in for anything but an oil change (*knocks on wood*). If a car is new and/or under an extended warranty, IMO reliability is a wash. That being said, I’ll probably definitely sell the Alfa when its warranty expires.

IMO$29k for a vehicle that doesn’t have power windows or power locks is a ripoff (Sport trim).

Good reminder - her biggest mistake was not asking the guy holding a gun to her face for receipts.

His image quality is garbage when you click the download link. My first thought was to turn it into wall art, but the .png is less than a megabyte. Will just be a big blur.

WTF. My Alfa dealer is an Alfa/Fiat, not Alfa/Maserati. The only thing they’ve offered me as a loaner is a 500 Abarth. 

What’s the point of this article? ‘Boeing honors employment contract with former employee’? It’s a contract, not like they can stiff him because he’s an asshole.

I made an appointment for the new RDX last year and when you’re signing up you can request a bottle of water, hot cup of coffee, tea, etc. be ready for you when you show up. It’s pretty neat.

Okay but does your Wrangler have ‘California mode’ at the touch of a button? I bet you have to push all four buttons at the same time, like a plebe (or, god forbid, lean over and crank all four windows one by one *shudder*)

This is true, but air travel has also become far more accessible, leading more people to fly to destinations they would have previously driven. 

Ok easy there fancy Kristen

Who the fuck cares about reliability. The Wrangler has been one of the LEAST reliable cars for a decade and Jalopnik can’t go more than three hours without writing an article about how great they are.

The Stelvio styling does little to attract someone to a brand with such a reliability risk lurking in the background

I like this tadpole idea. Maybe Baby Yoda is going to enter a Force Cocoon at some point in Season 2 and emerge as a full-blown, adult Yoda. 

The GLS is a powerhouse station wagon

Proofreading is overrated

It’s because the video arbitrarily throws in a GT500 as the ICE comp, which weighs 4,100 lbs (the Taycan weighs 5,100). So basically this writer did zero research, doesn’t know what the Taycan’s actual competition is (hint: it’s not a Mustang) and nobody bothered to edit her article. Honestly, why do I still read this

Someone should make a list of the most under-appreciated late-90s early-00s movies of all time. And put Memento at the top. 

My first time driving through it, on the way to Leadville, I entered in blue, sunny skies and exited into golf-ball sized hail so thick you couldn’t see ten feet in front of you. Driving a Kia Rio or some rental economy shitbox, nonetheless. 

It also often includes crazy headwinds, running the AC, and occasional forays into triple digit speeds

So you’re saying WiscoProud’s opinion is insignificant, because Wisconsin is very small, but you’re comparing that to the needs of truck people in San Diego - which you openly admit is even smaller than Wisconsin. What?