
Tesla and Rivian may be marketing to people who need higher tow ratings, but that doesn’t mean those people are going to buy them. The owner/operator driving his backhoe to a jobsite isn’t going to be caught dead in a Cybertruck, nor is he going to spend more money than he needs to. He’s going to buy a full-size diesel

I’d like to know how those numbers compare with simply going outside on a daily basis. I’d wager a guess that you’re still far safer calling for an Uber after dark than walking home alone.

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He did it in James May’s big ideas back in 2012. You’re probably thinking of the episode from Series 14 when he flew an airship caravan. 

It’s all those dealers with their searchable text. That posting for a 2015 Toyota Tacoma for a bazillion dollars and they include this at the bottom:

Skyfall was so freaking good though. Think I might go home and re-watch tonight. 

He was fantastic in Black Hawk Down, but good God was he fucking awful in Top Gear. I wish I could have lived the rest of my life believing he was actually that badass.

The police really should coral these hooligans and red them their rights

Easy there, this is James Bond, not Fast and Furious. Save those double backflips for a different franchise. 

Only if you plan on running the tank empty. If the rental agency is $0.65 cheaper, in a 12-gallon tank you’d save $7.80. At $3.15/gallon, you’d have to return the car within 2.5 gallons of bone-dry empty to break even. Assuming 30 mpg, that’s nearly 300 miles of driving. 

Can you tell Bollinger that when they make things square and straight to save cost, they’re supposed to pass that cost onto the consumers? Thanks.

I mean, people also just got lost and/or separated a LOT like 20+ years ago.

IMO this would be a lifesaver when skiing. Would be so damn helpful to know immediately if someone is uphill or downhill from where you’re standing. I can’t even count how many times I’ve stopped to wait for someone, waited like 5+ minutes only to give up, go down and find them waiting for me at the chairlift.

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As much as we all mocked those lame ass Toyota Tundra commercials, I’d love to see the Tesla do this.

Tesla. They’re still the ones that need to be mocked. 

You could always forego rent and just sleep in it

Or an S4 Allroad/Avant.

Would you rather:

Also, if you use up all the electric range, what sort of HP are you stuck with? Would be awful to drive around with 302 HP then drop down to 200 after 30-ish miles.

A structure housing the public or serving the public that requires a municipal or state permit must be stamped by a registered PE. The only time it would be ‘up to the owner’ is if it’s a private, unpermitted dwelling. If your local Japanese Garden wants to build a wooden bridge over their Koi pond you better believe

a litany of errors by the contractors designing the bridge