
I see your Nissan is Shambles and I raise you one

Can Jalopnik please perform a real-world test between a regular driver and someone who left foot brakes to see how much of a difference it makes? Short of being cut off and needing that extra 0.3 seconds of reaction time, adequate following distance should be sufficient. I usually have my foot over the brake when I’m

I love how we’ve reached a point where a 2.0L 4-cylinder with 326 horsepower and 384 lb-ft of torque is prefaced with ‘only’ 

This is a good take. Our Volvo has Pilot Assist and I generally only use it on multiple lane freeways with little to no traffic - it does help a LOT with very long drives, but it can get squirrelly when there’s a lot of traffic or sharp turns (I think the limit is 30 degrees of steering wheel rotation or something

Oh, for sure. But Alfa is the epitome of horrible execution built on grand ideas. 

I, for one, am glad that FCA graced us with new Alfa’s over more Fiats. 

I asked Jalopnik once, they recommended a Volvo V60, VW Westfalia, 80-Series Land Cruiser and a VW Golf R. I ended up with an Alfa Stelvio.

You can get a 2-year old one with a $25k discount

I think you mean F-Pace. The I-Pace is all electric. 

Most people would be reluctant to drop $50k on a new car and then immediately void the warranty to make it faster. It also means leasing is out of the question.

I’m mostly shocked that a 335 hp, 380 ft-lb twin-turbo V6 is that slow. God, that thing is fat. Most luxury 4-cylinder, 2.0 crossovers are just as fast as the Edge ST (Alfa Stelvio, M-B GLC, Jag F-Pace 30t).

Let me get this straight - you’re telling me Gase is focusing on some insignificant detail in Monday’s game to victimize his team, all as an elaborate ruse to distract the media from the fact that he’s a terrible coach and his team is a dumpster fire? He might be smarter than we give him credit for...

Maret didn’t buy the land, they leased it on a 10-year deal in exchange for the $2.5m renovation (which is a pretty fucking good deal). It doesn’t sound like anybody has a problem with the initial deal, but rather with the extension. Maret already got 10 years’ use in exchange for the money - letting them use it for

Good idea - let’s shit on Keto and Paleo diets, because those people eat too much bacon. Let’s ignore the fact that both diets encourage swapping refined carbs and sugars for fruits and vegetables. I’m sure that bacon is more dangerous than the McDonald’s fries you’re holding - it’s not like heart disease is already

Not defending anyone specific, but god damn it must be hard when everything you say and do is re-broadcast a thousand times on the internet for everyone to see. Shit I’ve put my foot in my mouth ten times in the last week but because I’m not constantly being videotaped or recorded nobody remembers and/or even hears

Portland has a few designated scooter parking spots. The only people who leave them there are employees for Lime, in the morning, when they drop them off. Nobody else can be bothered.

I heard an interview with Peyton the other day and the interviewer asked him how Fantasy Football affected his career. He said he would frequently get fans coming up to him to talk about a game - he’d say “Yeah, great game! Won by a field goal, that was a close one!” Then they’d get mad at him because he didn’t throw

Darlington magically becomes a tri-oval speedway with infield grass in Days on Thunder.

You’re probably right, but I’ll very much enjoy everybody trying their hand at speed climbing.

A lot of people also see shiny new cars with shiny new warranties and think they won’t have to pay a dime for five years (other than their loan) because the car is under warranty.