
My wife and I booked a flight recently and we were aisle/window. We usually like to sit aisle/middle, so we asked the woman in the middle if she wanted the window seat instead. She said, verbatim, ‘Uh, okay, but I’m usually hesitant because if there’s a crash they won’t be able to identify my body if I’m not in my

So for whatever reason you didn’t check in early enough to get an A or B boarding pass and also chose not to pay the $25 to upgrade your boarding position, but everybody else who did check in early or did pay to upgrade is selfish because they won’t bail you out? 

Slightly misleading to say it costs $2k to rally for a weekend when HALF your cost is just putting your name on the damn list. Aren’t there cheaper rally races out there? 

I love how Logan Ryan just lumps all 20 million people who will buy a ticket to an NFL game this year into one category. Yeah, we’re all assholes who will pour beer on you if you jump into the stands.

That must be a powerlifting thing. Having your thumbs wrapped around the bar would just put them in the way of the bar path if you ditch (i.e. behind the bar if you ditch backwards). Having them wrapped means you only have to clear your fingers.I just perused a few IG accounts, all the oly weightlifters on ATG use a

If you do decide to ship, it helps to understand how that works. Generally, you hire a broker who arranges transportation via a private owner/operator; there’s a master, nation-wide list of available shipments, by price and location. If your price is too low for your location, you could be on that list for a loooong

Your opinion won’t be popular on here, but I think you’re on the right track. I was at that Timbers/Sounders protest game and I was torn between supporting the protest and being pissed because the Sounders scored their first goal when our supporters’ section was silent.

The Venn Diagram between The small slice of business people who can deduct the costs’ and ‘those who can afford a $150k car’ is just one circle. If you can afford to lease OR buy a $150k car, you’re savvy enough to write if off (or wealthy enough to not give a shit)

I was walking past a group of guys playing basketball in the street; I saw one of their balls in the grass, so I picked it up and threw it to them. One of the guys caught it, looked at me, and said “Thanks man, but we’re 3v3 - we only need one ball.”

Or if they drop the price by $10k. I’m not about to pay Model 3 prices for an electric Honda Fit.

Are you too frugal even for jack stands? That lead picture scares me. 

A new $40k car is vastly easier to finance or lease than a 5-year old AMG for the same price. The bank is basically going to give away their money for that Camry, whereas the AMG is going to cost you a few percentage points.

Seattle’s beer sucks, and proof of it is in the fact that every bar carries fucking Manny’s. Also, people from Seattle choosing to drink Rainier or Olympia over any other beer because those are ‘Washington’s beers,’ despite the fact that they’re both now (and have been for two decades) owned by Pabst, a Milwaukee

Average is ALWAYS better than median in my opinion. I never see a situation where median makes more sense.

On the bright side, they are extending service to SJC in a few years

Agreed - letting referees decide intent has never worked and will never work. If the rules say it’s allowed, it shouldn’t matter if you want to do a slow clap, fast clap, one-handed clap, it’s all the same shit. It’s legal or it isn’t.

I see you, Vince Papale

Not so much anymore. I see Delica’s almost weekly here in Oregon and they’re all over Craigslist (not to mention JDM import sites)

Mr. Rule gave up a lot more than a half mill, considering Luda went on to appear in a half dozen more (and counting) F&F movies