
Mitsubishi Delica trumps T&C any day

‘Vanlife’ started out innocently enough and I believe that, for the most part, it still is relatively innocent. Yeah, there are a lot of over the top, $100k Sprinter vans occupied by upper class snobs that don’t venture more than 10 miles from a Hilton, but there are also a lot of people that just love to explore and

In case anyone was wondering why AP is broke, it’s because NFL players do shit like this

I freaking love the way this car looks but I’d never even consider buying one, for most of the reasons you listed above. There are going to be scores of these racing around the streets driven by your average muscle-bound Joe-bro desperately trying to convince everyone this is a $200k Ferrari. 

Even if the NWSL draws ‘far less’ than your average high school football game in Texas, how much MORE money is poured into Texas football than the NWSL, per player? 5x? 10x? 20x? Where’s the economics in that?

It’s probably not legal, but if the hotel calls a tow truck instead of the police and that truck driver isn’t privy to the laws of the road, you’re going to end up with one hell of a headache.

I can’t believe you’re actually complaining that women get off easy with clothing. Have you ever worn heels for an 8 hour day? Pantyhose? Shaved your legs? Do you spend an hour putting on makeup and fixing your hair every morning?

This was a clean play. MLB needs to change the rule if they don’t want to see absolute carnage at the plate. It doesn’t matter how many tiny technical rules they have, railroading catchers is still legal. 

I’ll probably catch flack for its ‘reliability’ but a Volvo V60. You can get a 2015 or 2016 for under $20k, maybe even certified if you’re patient and quick on the draw (prices should also drop a bit with the new MY out now). Excellent mpg’s, plenty of space for dogs and stuff, super comfy seats for those long road

Counterpoint: It’s fucking annoying to sit next to someone that does this all game long

I thought ‘Timely’ was a unique descriptor for the transmission, considering it’s a manual. I mean, it shifts when you shift it. 

Lockheed must have forgotten to program ALIS with the ‘Don’t Send’ button

(ii) players get their own independent evals anyway and make their own ultimate call

If a player refuses to play after they’ve been cleared, they don’t get paid.

Imagine how different the response would be if such an injury happened in a league that was more notoriously reckless with player safety.

Reading about how we’re all fucked by 2040 and there’s probably nothing we can do about it is slightly less depressing when that news is delivered by Boaty McBoatface

We just have a metal one with a lid attached to the side of our house, no flag. I just tuck outgoing letters under the lid, so they’re really obvious, and the mail carrier takes them every time. 

Jeez, you can’t even post a funny meme in the comments anymore without getting massive blowback.