
Shit, OK, Walmart was not a good comparison. Regardless, Red Bull still is not the most valuable privately owned company in the world. They wouldn’t even be the largest in the US. Cargill, Koch, Albertsons are all significantly larger. 

I wish the Stinger GT was a sport wagon

That’s awesome, and would actually (kinda) qualify it as a motor home (or would it be a pre-manufactured home?)

Pretty sure it’s not. The company in your handle makes about 17x more than Red Bull in annual revenue alone.

Yeah, idiots, go get a minimum wage service job and make an actual living salary. Oh, wait...

This is a logical conclusion to make, as the job market is thriving and unemployment is crazy low. Consider, though, that a lot of these people have little to no education or job training (which is why they drive cars for a ‘living’). Where are they going to go without Uber? Minimum wage positions, where they also

32 hours isn’t a ‘whopping’ build time, that’s insanely fast. What IS wild to consider, is if you assume 800 man hours to assemble (32x25) and 600 to disassemble (24x25, again, assumptions) that’s 1,400 man hours per race. Assuming union carpenters with a burdened wage of $65/hr, Red Bull spends $91k per race weekend

David: Won’t drive his Jeep in the snow because it’s his ‘nice car’

I love how the Millennial generation is always defined by things they said or did ten years ago. Nobody says stupid shit like ‘Turnt’ or ‘Bae’ anymore.

Pretty sure the document fee when I was looking in Oregon last year was around $800-900 for a new car. Which is BS, considering it takes a loan officer about an hour to process. 

1,000 High School boys just in the US that have run faster 100 times than FloJos WR time

What’s the major attraction with Apple Car Play? I find it incredibly annoying and buggy. 

He didn’t react for six seconds. Next time you’re driving, take your hands off the wheel, count to six and see what happens. 

At least if you buy a Cayman you don’t have to explain to everyone a) What the hell an Alpine is and b) Why you paid $61k for a slower Cayman

I mean, in terms of ‘necessary,’ the most hp you need in the US is whatever gets you up to 70 mph, or the max freeway speed - probably less than 100 hp. I’d argue that anything up to 300 hp isn’t necessary, but is usable and makes things like merging onto freeways, passing and pulling away from stoplights more fun.

Tongue in cheek

I’m just getting sick of the ‘fuck Elon because he’s Elon’ diatribe I read on this website and in the comments. Yeah, a well-thought out, researched, planned and funded idea is going to work better than throwing spaghetti at the wall. But let’s not jump to criticizing him for doing something stupid and potentially