
Nope, that’s legit. I have the same policy. If I want to help during a disaster, I’ll just give to a 501(c) that’s directly related. 

These racks will usually fit a 29er or a 700c road bike. They’ll definitely fit a 27.5. Plus you can lock the forks to the bed and run a cable through the back wheel, so it’s secure. If you’re just transporting and don’t need security, most people just throw the front wheel over the tailgate with a pad on the

Interested to see if they take market share from the Tacoma. They should be priced about the same and appeal to the same-ish audience.

Because we have gas stations that take three minutes to fill up your car. This would be an attractive idea for electric cars due to the long time it takes to recharge. With a ‘train’ you’d be able to drive distances significantly longer than your specified range without having to stop for three hours at a time.

People tried that once - it was called ‘Occupy Wall Street.’ Did anything ever come of it?

Not disagreeing, but FWIW the $9B was only supposed to cover half of Phase 1, which is now estimated at $77B. Their costs keep escalating because owners and the government in particular are HORRIBLE at estimating the costs of projects. They always under-estimate before signing up an architect so they’re able to source

Your steak thermometer comment is spot on. For a long time I refused to use one, because I was too ‘manly.’ Then I started using one and, coincidentally, I was able to cook tri-tip and steaks perfectly medium rare and people started telling me they were delicious. Cannot stress enough the use of a thermometer.

We’re talking about ‘affordable’ houses and you bring up Monterey. HA. I see you.

I had a ‘96 manual in blue with cloth seats. Loved that thing to death - it was an absolute tank. One weird thing I remember is this lever on the side of the seat, that you’d pull, and it would pitch you forward as if you’re ejecting from the car. Very useless. 

You seem like you kinda know what you’re talking about - isn’t it safe to assume the firefighters removed the car so that its combustibles (gasoline) don’t add to the fire or explode? I mean, they’re the ones out there fighting the fire. I trust they know what they’re doing. 

Yes. All cars should come with molded rubber floor mats. There’s absolutely no reason to have anything else covering the space specifically reserved for placing your feet.

Yeah thanks Obama for adding 150% to the DJIA during your 8 years in office. We’ll miss ya. 

So, will Tesla honor your warranty if you completely fuck your Model 3 up on the track using their designated track mode that they specifically told you not to use on public roads?

Honda Passport/Isuzu Trooper. Lots of goodness to be had well under $5k. Here’s an ‘02 with 170k miles.

Happened to me a few years ago in my old Honda Passport. Wasn’t WOT but I was accelerating onto a 45 mph road, let off to slow down with traffic and the car kept surging. I knew what happened and was able to wedge my foot under the accelerator to get it unstuck, luckily. F-ing terrifying though.

The floor space can be extended by opening the tailgate

The way that a stage rally works is that you’re driving flat out on sections of closed public roads for mile after mile, then driving there and back and open public roads.

No, don’t ever pull into the median. Every single cop I’ve ever seen or encountered on a busy highway or freeway will just walk around to the passenger side and conduct business there. 

I only use Pilot Assist on long, open freeways with little to no congestion. In addition to what you said, it always brakes hard and very early. You’ll be traveling along at 30 mph, with a car clearly moving slower 100 feet ahead, and the Volvo won’t brake until it’s 30 feet away and then it’ll basically slam on the

Car manufacturers need to fix auto-braking and braking while under radar guided cruise control. The automatic systems brake WAY too hard and abruptly; we have a Volvo with Pilot Assist and I’m always terrified of being rear ended, so I never use it in traffic. The hard braking makes it difficult for other drivers to