
Was behind a Tesla yesterday in Menlo Park that was using its auto high beams. Still in the city, but not enough ambient light to activate the sensors.

God auto high-beams are f-ing stupid. High beams are NOT meant to be used ANYWHERE in the city; they were designed for rural highways at high speed but now every asshat just uses them constantly. You don’t need them if you’re driving under 45 mph period. Auto high-beams don’t detect pedestrians or bicycles, so in a

‘obe’? FWIW I’m on your side... Was merely pointing out that of all dog breeds to be put in a smaller, warmer space (overhead bin), a French Bulldog is probably the most problematic.

They’re not air tight, though they might be air restrictive. The covers latch, but there’s no gasketing surrounding the closure which would cut off air. It’s also not exposed to sunlight, so the overhead compartment isn’t going to get any warmer than the rest of the plane. My guess is the dog already had trouble

I’m curious of a few things... Why did the family never check on this dog during the 3 hour flight? If I leave my dog in the car for more than thirty minutes (which I only do when it’s winter, he has windows down, and the car is in the shade) I’ll check on him. Also, it’s VERY common for bulldogs and other canines

No, you fucking asshole. ‘Retard’ is still offensive for people who are developmentally disabled and the family members of those people. ‘Retards’ are born impaired or are impaired in tragic accidents, it’s not their fault they have lower IQ’s and impaired decision making skills. My cousin has Down’s Syndrome and I’m

Kia should use this comment section as a focus group. This is the second Jalopnik article raving about the Stinger, and yet NOBODY in here seems to want one. “It’s ugly” “No manual” “It’s a Kia”

Everybody here bashing and nitpicking the first three episodes of this season is just hung up on the fact that it’s not the same Top Gear. Which it will never be, because you can’t replace Clarkson, Hammond and May.

The people who bought these were exemplary of the type of vehicle that it was. Back in 2012, a (former) friend of mine bought a new Liberty and promptly offered to drive up to the mountain that weekend. The morning of, I got in, looked around and asked him where the 4x4 shifter was. His response? “It’s not 4x4...” I

Seriously. Who has seen the recent headlines for Faraday and thought “Hey now that looks like a great investment!”

God I hate PZEV. Especially because everybody who drives a badged one (aka every new Subaru) is so smug they don’t even know what it means - they just see “zero emissions” and think “OH I’M BASICALLY A TESLA!” From the way Subaru totes it, you would think they’re the only manufacturer that offers PZEV cars (they

Pretty incredible that there’s video evidence of the crime being committed yet the officer still has to show up to court if the defendant chooses to dispute the claim.

My very own future and totally-real-but-not-yet-available-or-in-physical-form electric car will have a bigger battery than every Tesla combined.

I suppose if you were really clever and in a big rush you could also use CO2 cartridges. Will have to try that next time and report back

Two very important things I learned (or realized) recently:

I also was prepared to jump in with everyone and say “this person is going way too far” but then I remembered he’s a used car salesman.

Wait. Resale value of Camry = 15,438. Total of parts = 10,695. And 15,438 > 10,695. How again are the ‘sum of the parts’ worth more than the car itself? It’s in the chart - the used market value of the car still exceeds the parts value by over 30%.

So... Is there a specific reason they couldn’t push the car out of the way? It blows my mind how many people forget their cars can be easily maneuvered using people power as well as horsepower.

What did the Obama administration do to ‘undo’ the country? Last I checked, GW Bush was president before and during the Great Recession and Obama is the one that pulled us out of it. Those low unemployment numbers and massive GDP growth are all thanks to Obama.

Yeah that’s the conundrum. Unless everybody on the road is driving the exact same vehicle, someone is always going to have something bigger and heavier. Which is why this justification is complete bullshit. Everybody knows it’s just a ploy to line the pockets of oil and car companies.