
Stop asking silly questions

That’s fucking gross. So you walk around a plane and the restroom in your socks with several hundred other people (who are wearing shoes that touch places like the NYC sidewalk and subway platforms), just simply trusting that you’re smart enough to not step in urine. Then you take those socks home and walk around your

I already wanted a Ridgeline before this and now I want one even more. Looks be damned, it’s the best compact Pickup on the market.

This is 1,000x better. Thank you. I’m just going to listen to these videos all day.

I think the Bundy clan proved you can occupy BLM land and still get off scot-free

“Many a time we had to got inside and manually retrieve the cars using a joystick.”

I don’t see how Autopilot is to blame at all for this. The fact that he even had it enabled, instead of turning it off and SLOWING DOWN FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLES as the law stipulates just means he’s a flaming asshole. Guy should have his license revoked for nearly killing numerous emergency responders.

$150? Psh. In California you have to pay between $1,500 and $20,000 to join the CHP’s 11-99 Foundation.

What sort of citations does lawn enforcement typically give out? Reckless watering?

If you’re breaking loose in a ‘92 AWD Legacy (with 130 hp) you’re driving too aggressively for the weather AND your tires suck. Just because they have tread doesn’t mean they’re any good. My best friend in HS had a ‘94 green Legacy and we never had any issues driving in the rain (Portland) or snow (it was our

Shelby Cobra. Still my favorite car ever. My mid-life crisis will likely involve a Superformance replica.

I don’t know, I doubt it. I wouldn’t get them in Rx because they would be too expensive. Try Warby Parker. Their polarized Rx sunglasses are around $100 and I’ve had a few pair for years. You can do an at-home try on for free.

This happened to my Aunt in Union, OR. Filled up her truck with what she thought was regular then it started making weird noises. She took it to her mechanic and he said the tank was filled with diesel. Turns out lots of other people in town had the problem too - the fuel company paid for the repairs.

Gamma Ray makes the best sunglasses for driving. $13, polarized, durable plastic, available on Amazon prime and they last for years. I just by 2-3 pair and keep them in my car at all times.

It drives me nuts when people park their cars on the tiny wedge between an on-ramp and the merge. People cut those lines all the time. If you can, get your car ALL THE WAY to the right shoulder, so there’s only traffic passing you on the left, instead of both sides.

I’m all sorts of confused now. I thought the 32 mpg number up above where it says ‘Reg. Gas’ was JUST the 3.6L running on its own. How does the non-hybrid Pacifica mange worse mileage with the same engine? Does the 32 mpg ‘Gas Only’ number also include the engine running on electric up to certain speeds? Is it because

The problem is you’re comparing a turbo hot hatch (wagon?) to a minivan. The Mini just gets worse gas mileage in general - 27 as opposed to 32 in the minivan, even though the van has a 3.6L and the Mini a 1.5L. Combine that with a smaller electric battery and yeah, the Mini doesn’t do as well. Would I still take the

It’s definitely a clever design, but all you gain is a longer driver door right? I mean, all Jerry has done is buy a coupe that’s a sedan on one side. My friend has a previous gen Veolster, I will have to investigate and report back.

NHTSA: It’s extremely dangerous to look at your phone while driving. We need to make laws against this.