

Is the N a 4 door or a coupe? The lead picture is definitely a 4 door but then the follow pictures seems to show something different. I’m assuming a few of those pictures are the base Veloster?


An EV 3 series would be excellent. We need more cars like the Focus Electric and the e-Golf - cars on existing platforms that don’t look weird, but can be offered as electric trims.

Can we please get an EV that looks good AND is somewhat affordable? On one end you’ve got the Smart/Fiesta mashup Bolt and on the other end Fisker. One’s pretty and hilariously expensive, the other ugly as sin but affordable. Give me something decent to look at in a sub-40k range. Please!

The fact that the re-build was not performed by the person who took up the entire trunk area with subwoofers is a huge relief.

The entire premise of nuclear bombs is the definition of ‘overkill’

The ornament is fantastic. A digital reader on the back is not. Stick to the subtlety, Marv.

Yeah sorry the Bolt gets 90 miles in 30 minutes. A Tesla on a supercharger will get about 80% in 30 minutes, which is 170 miles for a 90 kWh. So you get double, but it still means you have to stop for 30 minutes every 3 hours, which is an average of 48 mph. That’s pretty painstakingly slow.

IMO they should just strive to put charging stations in big cities near workplaces, parking lots, commuter lots, etc. EV’s at the moment are going to be the most efficient for city or near-city dwellers anyway. Once battery capacities and charge times improve, branch out to highways and freeways so people can use them

The US should strive to make the EV equal to a scooter in Europe. Mostly limited to short distances and city driving - extremely efficient. The only problem is scooters are ridiculously cheap and EV’s are the exact opposite.

Six hours at an average of 60 mph gets you 360 miles. A Chevy Bolt has a range of 238 miles, which is 4 hours (if you don’t run the AC and drive very, very conservatively). It also takes two hours to fully recharge the 238 miles on a Level 3 charger. You only get 90 miles in 30 minutes from a Level 3, which is about

The traffic has gotten worse, for sure, but I’d think nearly all big cities have experienced increases in traffic over the last decade. Portland is just dumb because the only major freeways are on opposite sides of the city and they’re mostly 2- or 3-lane. There are no expressways, no HOV and a 50 mph speed limit.

PDX traffic and cost of living doesn’t have shit on both California and Seattle. That’s just an excuse the locals use to keep foreigners out

He forgot to say ‘make it attractive and/or normal looking’

Regular snow, sure. Try climbing an icy hill without AWD or 4x4. Last week in Portland, OR it snowed like a half inch, then melted and re-froze. The only way we got around was a Land Rover Discover II with studded tires (once you get over the initial butt clench it’s actually quite fun).

Yeah I’m pretty sure that’s not correct. Spinning the wheels breaks your static friction, a force which is always greater than the kinetic friction produced by the wheels just simply spinning on top of snow. Your tire isn’t ‘biting’ anything because it’s moving too damn fast. If you get through the snow to concrete,

If he doesn’t have heat chances are nobody else does. I’d stay sheltered - hopefully he has a generator, fuel and lots of food (the only upside is that he can just leave the door to his fridge open and it’ll stay cold)

I did NOT know those existed!

Our 2005 Outback has wiper blade defrosters (see picture). If this technology was around in ‘05, I wonder why more cars don’t have it. It’s brilliantly simple - even more so than side mirror defrosters (which my ‘97 Volvo had!). Although I guess it makes your windshield much more expensive to replace.