
The article you linked clearly says ‘Don’t worry: Jeep engineers assure me that, even after hours and hours in a roof-off rainstorm, that push-button will still fire up the engine. And yes, there are still drain plugs in the floor.’ So you didn’t actually read it, did you?

From the jump:

‘Loss of vehicle control’ IMO means you were driving too quickly or incorrectly for the conditions. Something like accelerating too fast in a turn, turning too sharply, running off the road, etc.

You missed a golden opportunity to use the word ‘frunk.’ Is everything OK?

Baby steps, my friend.

What they NEED to do is offer the 2.4L Turbo in the XV. 100% would buy that.

I’m honestly astonished a cheetah can out accelerate a Formula E (for reference, Google says a Formula E can to 0-62 in 3.0 seconds)

I wanted to feel sorry for the guy, but then I read about how he embarked on a cross-country road trip without a license.

It’s called ‘Death Discharge’ and in all cases of federal and most private loans, the debt is forgiven if the borrower dies. There are some situations where loans can carry over after death, however.

Non-motorized drift trikes are also ridiculously fun, and half the price of the motorized variety. You can easily reach 12 mph using pedal power. Buy a motorized one for the kid and this for yourself. We raced these in a cul-de-sac at work but I’d kill to take one down a big hill.

He’s also one of us

Aw, I used to love typing ‘fuel’ into Google Maps and only getting hits for ‘Pacific States Heating and Petroleum.’

The couple, a dedicated pair, actually had the sticker made before adding it to the window of their vehicle after the dotard was sworn into office.

The title of this article should have been ‘Jalopnik Challenge: Beat Tom at his Own Game’

If you look at the lineup, they’re clearly taking aim at the Audi A5 Sportback and the BMW 4 Series Gran Coupe, both of which start around $41k. So you can get a well equipped, GT Stinger for a few grand less.

WTF your plate expiration is based on your birthday? That’s like requiring homeowner’s insurance to drive your car. Completely arbitrary. #Logic

Would be far more interesting if he bought and sold a new car every time he had to ship it, and flew instead. You could easily do it for the same cost and it’s probably the same amount of headache as shipping. Then he at least gets to try new cars along the way!

It’s 180 combined, 118 total electric. Not really an apples to apples comparison because it’s a PHEV, not a true EV...

I think you’ll find a lot of people will cancel their Model 3 orders when it actually comes time to fork over $35k. It’s easy to wait in line - you’ve already paid the deposit and there’s nothing left to do. The only upside is that you’d be $1k richer. I know several people that have put down deposits that definitely

The i3 almost isn’t comparable to existing other non-Tesla EVs. It’s $48k with the range extender and it only goes 118 miles! The Bolt is $36k and it’ll do 240 miles.