
On the flip side, motorcyclists need to stop tailgating as well. I get that a moto stops faster than a car and sometimes you need to move up to get off a car behind you, but tailgating me just makes me think you’re being an a-hole.

In practice, maybe. Riders regularly split in CA when traffic is moving 50 mph (speed limit is 65).

Only for permit holders which is fucking shocking. I honestly assumed all states had a no calls/no texting law, because it’s been a thing for so long in the states I’ve recently lived in (OR/WA/CA)

Likely on drugs, possibly spooked by the bear for Big Bear Car Wash at this intersection (actual picture of intersection below)

Kinda sounds like Carmax just wants to give him a $20k voucher. I’d take it in a heartbeat.

10 gallons per month is less than $30. Average gas price is $2.53, not $14. But when you’re paying $35k for a Wrangler I guess you gotta pinch all the pennies you can.

Hope that self healing bodywork does its job, otherwise the bottom lip is gonna look like a half chewed dog bone after driving on any US road.

It blows me away what governments are able to accomplish by way of these dick measuring contests. The Manhattan Project, space race, Nazi technology... Can you imagine if Trump and Putin were somehow convinced that the first nation to become carbon neutral would ‘win’?

Wrangler Unlimited’s start at $35k. Nobody buying one is going to care about paying a few bucks extra per month for fuel.

And now, this week, on Let’s see how many articles Jalopnik can write about the new Wrangler, Andrew Collins takes 400 words to say “it gets about the same MPG as the old one.”

No, that’s not the problem. The problem is that drivers frequently pull into crosswalks, out of driveways, parking spots, etc. without even a wayward glance. People are ALWAYS overshooting stop signs so they can see traffic coming without first checking for peds. Sure, some pedestrians are oblivious, but the overall

Finally, an option to make bro trucks actually useful!

I used to drive a ‘98 Honda Passport until three years ago and it still had the original floor mats. The pin that holds the mat in place was gone, which means it slid around a bunch. Not a huge deal, as it usually got stuck behind the accelerator after I got in. One night it got stuck ON the accelerator, absolutely

So while everybody was busy providing skepticism about Tesla jumping on the PR power issue by offering their services, another company jumped in and did the thing everybody was worried about. Seems legit.

Hey man these things happen. Just looking out for you.

Sorry to be pedantic, but DA’s prosecute - literally the opposite of protecting the guilty. A DA is far more likely to prosecute an innocent. You’re thinking of the Public Defenders Office.

Buying an identical vehicle to one you already own for no arguable good reason other than ‘it came up on Craigslist’? You’ve been spending too much time with David Tracy.

Based on how many people they survey (640k) versus how many cars there are on the road in the US (250 million) the standard deviation of their analysis should be astronomical. There’s no way they can predict the reliability of cars based on this many surveys alone.

You know the 100% foolproof way to never lose your key between the seat and transmission tunnel/center console? Put the keys in your left pocket.

Jeep is a riot. They’ll sell you a four-door 4x4 with garbage reliability, whose best upside is that you can remove the doors and fold down the windshield for $30k. And people eat them up. Wranglers are the reason millennials are broke, not avocado toast.