
Especially after handling gas pumps. Do you honestly think those things have ever been washed, especially after that politician murders a hooker, dumps her in his trunk but has to stop by the local Chevron so he can drive 20 miles out into the desert to dump the body (they ALWAYS get caught by gas station cameras)

The problem is that public transportation has gotten ridiculously expensive, slow and dirty. It costs me $8 to take Caltrain from Palo Alto to San Jose for work - it’s only a 20 mile commute. So I can drive it for the price of a gallon of gas ($4). The other day I took lightrail to a 49ers game, and it was another $8

Light rail can work exceedingly well, but streetcars are a waste of fucking money. Portland has an awesome lightrail system that’s been around for decades and is being expanded every year. Streetcars, however, are relatively new. They’re slow, drivers don’t know how to interact with them, and people CONSTANTLY block

Was listening to NPR today and they interviewed a guy who was planning on staying with his home as the fires passed by so he could potentially save it. He evacuated his wife and kids, but his words, verbatim, were “What else am I supposed to do? This is my home! I’ve lived here for 20 years!” Interviewer then asked

What else are they supposed to do? Hold mail for the thousands of homes that burned and ask people to come by the post office one by one to pick it up? At least the people whose homes are gone know where their mail is.

Patrick read the original note wrong. The letter from Tesla says “Because employees are receiving special priority, all Model 3 cars prioritized to employees must be registered to you or your family member and may not be resold for more than the original price. Reservation holders will agree to these terms when their

...years and years of muddy consumer abuse.

It probably does speak volumes to the Fit’s safety rating if both occupants were able to escape this crash even WITH an ill-repaired roof.

This is also a case of extremes. Per the jump:

Don’t forget lawyers will collect about 40% too, or nearly $17m.

Yet it must be working, because somehow the MLB plays 162 games over six months and people still show up. Also, playoff baseball is arguably the most fun post-season to watch in all sports.

Yes but racing everybody in your murdered out minivan IS a mid-life crisis. The other day I had a guy try to race me while I was merging onto 101 - he was driving a Dodge Caravan and I was in my ‘07 MS3. When I pulled in front of him, he flipped me off.

I would argue that AC in a mail truck is useless. In cities, mail people park and walk. In suburbs/countryside, they have to keep their window down/door open to physically reach the mailbox. Either way, AC is going to be terribly inefficient and pointless. Give them drop-down windshields like a Willys.

All sports need this, especially American ones. The NFL is WAY too serious right now. Everybody needs to chill out and recognize that it’s a bunch of grown men playing sports for a living - they’re SUPPOSED to be having fun.

I like how someone teased a picture of their electric truck, but Tesla never actually said which truck it is in the picture. The super modern looking truck on the flatbed? Nope.

I’ve found that gas is always more expensive in nicer neighborhoods (drove past a gas station in Menlo Park, CA, on Sunday where regular was $4.10), but isn’t necessarily cheaper in worse neighborhoods. So I don’t so much as seek out cheap gas as avoid expensive gas.

This won’t detract Tesla fanboys, people will still line up in droves to plunk down their $30k to have a Tesla. Telling people their Model 3 is ‘hand made’ will probably just make it MORE attractive to them (see? It’s like a Bentley!)

It also doesn’t help when Oakland PD decides to shoot someone on the I-80 maze

WTF I-80W at Emeryville is in Oakland (Emeryville, actually) and then goes North to Richmond. I hate it when news companies lump all of the cities around SF into one big conglomerate. There’s 400k people in Oakland, everybody knows where it is.