
I drive past a C&C on my way to the gym every day and I always thought it was a check cashing place. Thanks for the tip!

I thought I read a while back that there’s a limitation on sales tax for cars older than X years (the number in my head is 7 for some reason). I can’t find it anymore, so maybe I made it up.

My guess is that HOA’s for the super rich tend to not stand in the way. They probably charge him astronomical fees that the middle-class folk would scoff at, but he pays without even reading the bill.

When I was buying my car, I noticed that a lot of these car dealers use their teenage employees (I’m assuming a lot of them are interns or HS kids on summer vacation) to communicate via the Internet. When the customer comes inside the dealership, the more experienced salesperson takes over for the face to face. I

Can I just point out that none of the states closest to North Korea (except Alaska, but nobody’s going to bomb Alaska) voted for Trump? Why can’t he pick a fight with an enemy off the Eastern seaboard so that at least he’s in the kill zone

The WH stance that ‘it’s not tactical to tell them what we’re going to do before we do it’ is the equivalent of the childhood ‘I know the answer but I’m not going to tell you, you tell me first.’ It’s brilliant, actually.

This doesn’t surprise me... I bet their gas gauge is broken. I had a ‘99 Honda Passport that had a broken gas gauge (would read E about halfway thru a tank) but the light still worked. I just drove based on the trip odometer (always refilled at 200 miles to be safe). I did run out of gas twice in about three years

Gas pumps better damn well be calibrated - it’s actually something the State is supposed to check on a regular basis. I’ve left gas stations where this sticker is broken or missing - either the pump is ripping you off or someone installed a skimmer.

Secretly I don’t like foot prints on my windshield

The guy in the Mustang f-ing deserved it. I’m OK with a V12 Lambo or a Ferrari revving - you don’t hear that very often, and if you’re going to pay $200k+ for a car, you might as well love how it sounds and make everybody else listen too. But no, bro, I don’t want to hear you rev your shitty Mustang.

I’m assuming you didn’t watch to the 10:15 mark. The answer to your question is, unequivocally, ‘Yes.’

The homeowners (who are the HOA, as many have pointed out above me) should sue their accountant. The accountant should have some fiduciary responsibility to the client that all fees have been paid and everything is tip-top. My assumption would be the accountant’s insurance would then reimburse for the street

The comments are gold. I’ve been reading for 30 seconds and I found this gem:

Samsung applied for naming rights to ‘Fire’ but Amazon beat them to it, so Samsung settled on ‘Note’

This bypass has been abused as of late (the portion that’s still open) because Waze and Google Maps have figured out the shortcut. I once got stuck behind a Target 18 wheeler.

So Eric Bana can no longer claim his finger is his safety? What could go wrong?

The bigger story here isn’t whether or not Peralta deserved the medal (he does, IMO, even if he didn’t consciously reach out to grab the grenade). The story is the military’s constant cover-up of fatalities attributed to friendly fire. The Army famously tried this with Pat Tillman, before they realized that they

Oh please, gas in OR is the cheapest on the West Coast. Don’t come to CA where the gas is worse (91), more expensive ($0.60 over average right now) AND you have to pump it yourself

Mind = blown

Is it weird that I’m unusually attracted to the tires on the AC Cobra 427?