
One day Jalopnik is criticizing bureaucrats to remove the red tape surrounding autonomous driving and the next they’re criticizing a government entity for bypassing the red tape to do testing.

Too bad we commute in opposite directions, otherwise we could carpool and I’d let you drive half the time

I’m assuming you work in MV and live in SJ? Otherwise you’d be doing a reverse commute and shouldn’t hit any traffic. I drive Palo Alto to SJ every morning. Also DD a stick (07 Mazda MS3) and if I wasn’t reverse commuting I would have traded it in. A few times I’ve driven PA to SJC on a Friday to catch a flight and

I’m fairly certain that only applies at low speed crashes - if the crash from behind totals your car, even at a safe stopping distance you would have been pushed forward. Regardless, he’s on the hook for the price difference between a comp and what he paid (unless he has GAP).

‘Attack you until you are dead’ is possibly the worst use of English on Jalopnik this month.

This is fantastic. Yeah, the system is far from flawless and probably will never come to fruition, but I guarantee a number of awesome side ideas will come out of it. This is how innovation works - you just start putting crazy shit together and eventually something sticks - and it’s usually not what you had planned on

The solution includes launching a new integrated app and deploying customer representatives at high-traffic stops to help riders IRL.

New Rain-X is terrible. I used it about ten years ago when I was still living in Oregon and it was fantastic. Now there’s like a ten step process to make sure the wax correctly adheres to your windshield or it just streaks like mad. It’s very nice when there’s a light mist and you don’t need wipers, but when you DO

Giving someone a timer that tells them when a light will change is going to make things worse, not better. Everybody is just going to see a countdown to yellow and gun it. Accidents don’t occur because people get ‘caught’ at a yellow, they occur because people speed up to ‘make’ the light. That one percent that does

At .297 kWh/miles (includes grid and charging losses), we’ll consume 40,095 kWh of electricity. Given an effective grid efficiency in PA (aka, takes into account fossil fuel production plus non emitting production of nuclear/hydro/wind/solar) of ~78%, we’ll use about 51,400 kWh (185,040 MJ) of input fuel for the

This quote

You can also live IN a city and own/drive a car. People in LA, DC and Chicago do it every day! These NYC kids always act like living anywhere else is akin to social suicide.

Or, you know, you could live in dozens of other big cities where you can actually own and operate a car, like LA, Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle, Denver, Austin... But, y’know, it’s New York! (swoon)

There’s actually evidence for your claim. LA ranked 193rd out of 200 on this survey by Allstate. Oregon, ranked 3rd by Kars4Kids, was 187th on the Allstate survey. Idaho was actually in the top 10 in the Allstate survey and first on the K4K survey. Correlation seems to suggest that being a shitty driver leads you to

I mean, Sideshow Bob DID turn out to be a murdering psychopath...

C’mon man! Why did you buy a turbo if you’re just going to keep it below 3k rpm and short shift everything? I drive an ‘07 MS3; I tried that hypermile stuff for about a tank or two before I got bored. 2-3 extra mpg is what, $4 a tank? And I live in silicon valley, where premium is about $3.40. You paid the premium for

Now playing

The Merc monoblade was amazing. My friend drove an old S-Class in high school and I used to watch that thing go for hours.

Rain-X is dogshit. Yeah you don’t have to use your wipers when it’s misting and you’re driving at highway speeds (which is 99% of your driving during SoCal ‘winters’) but when you actually turn the blades on it streaks like crazy. I bought Rain-X wipers and their washer fluid, used them for 2 days, then promptly

Ladd’s addition neighborhood of Portland, OR. It can be a bit difficult to find your way around.

This is my favorite road in all of San Jose: