
I’m OK with the story of the MK1A, because the sole intent was not to immediately make money. The (new) owner clearly loves the car and has no intent to flip it for pure profit. Had you (David) taken that Jeep, fixed it and flipped it I would take exception.

This is not ‘flipping’ - that would imply that he put some work into the car to improve its condition. This is just fucked up. He even admitted the woman doesn’t own a computer, so she probably doesn’t have any idea what it’s worth. He should at least offer her part of his resale profit.

What’s most frightening is that this is exactly what will happen to our roads, bridges and highways in about 20-40 years. They will begin to fail catastrophically at a rate faster than they can be rebuilt or paid for. Yikes.

Torch... Did you watch the video? At the 2 minute mark he clearly says the tires are 9 months old, and the reason he’s getting rid of the car is b/c it chews through tires. It’s understandable that a non-car person would miss that this is abnormal behavior for ANY car and there is an underlying reason (alignment, too

They can’t build supertall skyscrapers in that location b/c of the nearby SJC and Moffett field. I’m sure there are other restrictions as well... But a lot of the buildings down there are 10+ stories. The new Samsung building in that area is 10. It has nothing to do with ‘undesirables’ - that area is a sprawling

Somebody needs to make a car with pressed carbon sourced from a retired F1 chassis. Can you imagine a special edition McLaren with bits and pieces directly from the MP4-23 that Lewis Hamilton drove in 2008?

Loved this article. Very informative and useful. Can we get more like this?

Seriously though fuck this guy.

I’m not sure it’s even an advantage to be better off financially. Someone that can afford a new car every 2-3 years may not give a rat’s ass about fluids or wearable components. On the other hand, someone who depends on that 7-10 year old car as their daily form of transportation has a better incentive to keep it

@YALE70 called this back in February, but it looks like the asking price is too steep.

The sales guy left and came back with his better rate and payments than what I was pre-approved for...

What I’m assuming happened is that the dealer got him a better per month rate with lower interest and a higher principal. The purchaser in this story just saw the dollar amount per month and signed on the dotted line. It can happen - when I bought the car I have now, I was told by finance that the pre-approved loan I

The vehicle’s drag radial tires ... are not intended for highway use...

Thanks for reminding me that our gas in CA is 30% above national average. I hate this stupid state.

To find the very best, however, my pals at Gizmodo and I dipped back into our own reviews as well as those from publications we respect.

While technically a bus, there’s one stark difference: This is privately owned, while city buses are publicly owned. Lyft doesn’t have to pay their owners inflated union rates, they can offer part-time routes, charge more money and provide better customer satisfaction. So, basically, the cities are going to hate it

Any relation to Brittney Griner?

I get that people don’t want their property values to drop...

This got me thinking about what other things you could install that are simple and cheap (less than $100). Bonus points if you can fill a previously empty button.