
I tried to give you more stars but Kinja wouldn’t let me. This times a million.

“Buy a new Cherokee, Jeeps are super reliable.”

But is the issue at heart really that Uber isn’t paying well enough? If Uber starts paying higher wages, the demand for those jobs is going to skyrocket, which creates more competition. By default, higher-educated and better equipped people will win the jobs and people on the lower end of the spectrum will go back to

Getting pretty sick of these articles. If you actually read the Bloomberg link, you’ll find this gem:

I’ve done something similar. Had a ‘96 Volvo 850 manual, was coasting down a hill with keys removed (don’t ask, I was young) and forgot I left it in gear. I dropped the clutch and the front axle immediately locked up, tires screaming. I pushed the clutch back in as fast as I could. Transmission was fine through the

I’ve gone from reverse to drive before and nothing bad happened. Was backing out of the garage in a friend’s Toyota FJ, shifted back into drive too soon and the car just died. I was probably going 5 mph in reverse when I shifted. No harm no foul (luckily for me).

I think the real story here is that you’re driving a C5 Z06 while consciously keeping it under 1,500 rpm. Let that thing warm up and wail! Isn’t that why you bought it?

“Even more surprising, the orangutan appears to have adopted the Manufacturer’s recommended body position when utilizing a hand saw.”

More like this. It rains in Vancouver. A LOT. Still, it’s a great city - I highly recommend visiting.

The rear-facing seats in a Volvo 240 Wagon could fit adults... Man I miss that car.

The premise of this lawsuit feels eerily similar to the sudden unintended acceleration lawsuit against Tesla. That premise being “It’s negligent not to use technology that prevents the consumer from being negligent.”

Jeez, that took a dark turn

I wish they would bring back the 3.5L V6 (they won’t). My friend bought one the last year they offered it and it’s a blast to drive. He still maintains it’s the best car he’s owned. I’m tempted to try and buy one in a few years to replace our Legacy Outback Wagon.

“It is unclear whether or not the Treasurer has read the legislation or understands the agreement between Nevada and Faraday Future...”

If your theory iss correct Assange can just change his extradition date to the same day Manning is released, instead of backing out entirely. He attempted to paint himself a martyr because he didn’t actually think the US would pardon Manning. When Obama actually did, he found the first logical loophole to back out of

Does Andrew write for the weather channel on the side? His headlines are about equal.

I Vape (I know, terrible and uncool) but I no longer am able to do

...highest speed attained by any manned vehicle (24,791 mph) and the unofficial lunar land speed record (18.0 km/h).

I hate the style of the Leaf, but I would 100% buy an e-Golf or a Fiat 500e.

As Faraday Future’s Vice President of propulsion engineering, Pete Savagian, explained to me after the ride, “the electric car, that’s probably the easiest part.”