
“Driverless valet - never worry about parking your car again!”

Can we stop saying “hacked” and just say “phished?” Isn’t that what actually happened - Podesta responded to a phishing email that basically gave the attackers access to the server? Or maybe we should start calling all those Nigerian princes “hackers” as well.

It’s interesting to note that the US has been doing this for about as long as we’ve existed as a nation (it’s one of the reasons we’re currently entangled in the Middle East, due to Eisenhower and the CIA overthrowing Iraq’s democratically elected president in 1953), and nobody has batted an eye. Maybe we should stop

It would solve the issue of trailers containing the only funny parts of a comedy.

To the young lady plugging her ears at 3:45: You’re missing the best part!!

The problem is that in these temperate states (Nashville probably excluded, because I think they get snow annually) it legitimately snows (and sticks) about once every four years. So do you buy winter and/or all-season tires with snow capability if you’re only going to encounter snow one week out of 208? When I lived

Last time I was pulled over in CA the CHP didn’t even ask for my insurance. I offered it and his response was “your registration is current, so I’m assuming your insurance is as well.” look kind of stupid talking to yourself in public.

The problem is that Trump sees this as an attack on the validity of his election. It needs to be communicated as an attack on American civil liberties. It’s not an attack on Trump, it’s an attack on the nation that he’s going to lead. The jamoke needs to get over his pride and start doing what’s best for the country.

The issue on the table is that the Russians hacked both the DNC and RNC but chose to only release unflattering emails written by members of the DNC, which likely swayed the election.

What happened to the poor old chap on the floor with a bandage over his forehead?

That’s horrible placement for what looks like the Nav. Where am I? I know, I’ll just look straight down at this giant screen that is nowhere near where I should be looking as I drive.

What’s the over/under on how long it takes Trump to tweet about the Zumwalt Destroyer program’s excessive cost?

On my most recent flight from Chicago to San Jose (4.5 hours) I paid to upgrade so I got second row aisle, then purposefully put my only carry-on above so I would have optimal legroom. When we started our descent the guy sitting in the bulkhead in front of me asked if he could use my footspace, because he’s not

On flights with assigned seating (anyone but SW) I’m usually not too keen on boarding early. Why do you want to sit on a plane any longer than you have to? Granted, I fly with a small duffel 99% of the time (or I check anything larger) so I don’t have any concern about overhead bin space.

This makes no difference. It’s been factually proven time and time again that burning coal leads directly to greenhouse gas emissions and global warming. Have we stopped burning coal? Nope. Is Drumpf going to burn more? Yep!

It’s the same in the US. Nobody calls it the ‘passing lane’ they just call it the ‘fast lane.’ Even worse, in cities it becomes the HOV or carpool lane. Then you get hybrids and EVs camped out because they think they have a ‘right’ to be there (it’s a privilege not a right; much like spandex). Maybe if we started

Serious question about the spare tire thing... Are there any concerns using the manufacturer supplied bottle (or scissor) jack when the bed is fully loaded? I don’t know the specs on the OEM jack but 2 CY of mulch is around 1,000 lbs; if you’re replacing a rear tire under a fully loaded bed, that jack is going to be

I still don’t understand why FF thinks they need to or should be competing with Tesla. They could conquer the market with a mid-size SUV that has longer range than a Model X with a lower price tag. FF does not have the capacity to produce a car better than the Model X for less money. It’s like they’re skipping