
Dale indeed

Only if it’s a Borat speedo

IMO takes more effort than it’s worth to drain oil, replace coolant, brake fluid, etc. What are you going to do with half-used fluids? Who has used oil in stockpile (besides a shop)? I’m with you - take a few good parts and hoon the shit out of it for a few hours before turning it in.

I’ve seen them used all over the west coast, but maybe that’s just because West Coasters are afraid of snow. Usually happens during exceptionally icy conditions in the city (and sometimes at the mountain)

Oh give me a break - the tech employees in SF and Mountain View are NOT the ones starving and living in squalor (maybe the Amazon warehouse people in Scotland - I don’t know much about that). Google employees start at north of 100k. I live in Palo Alto, I make about 110k a year and I rent a 1,000 sf apartment in

A severely underrated show that never seems to make it on any list is Bosch on Amazon Prime. I started watching it because I read the books, and I ended up watching 20 episodes in about a week. It has the same level of sophistication that you see on Criminal Minds and NCSI, but enough character development and plot

Currently live in CA, grew up in OR, lived in WA for a while as well. Do you mean studded tires? Chains are legal in every state. There are just regulations on when/where you’re allowed to (or supposed to) use them. Some states even require them at times, albeit in the most dire of situations. I’ve been forced to

The 0.3" was measured at the LA Civic Center, but some places saw a foot or more. Source

If an elevator is a vehicle, then so is an escalator. An elevator is simply a box that is pulled or released by a large motor with a cable and sheaves. An escalator is a platform that is pushed by a motor. The main difference is that a hoistway typically has one cab, whereas an escalator has multiple, continuous

I don’t think so. The new innovation in elevators is a Machine Room-Less system wherein the cables and sheaves are mounted in the elevator shaft. The elevator is still ‘pulled’ by the cables. Older models include traction (traditional large cable and sheave system mounted above the shaft) and hydraulic (piston located

I think the fact that league officials have bodies that move makes them pretty reliable experts on the subject.

I can’t wrap my head around the argument against curbing carbon emissions. Even if scientists were in limbo on the whole ‘carbon leads to global warming’ debate, the fact remains that carbon and pollution emissions lead to decreased air quality (one only needs to look at Shanghai to see this in effect). This is not a

I never prop my wiper arms up. If your windshield is frozen, you should wait until it’s thawed to move the car anyway. Having your wipers frozen to the windshield as opposed to sitting on top of the frozen windshield makes no difference. They’re not going to do anything either way.

Practice putting chains on your car when it’s dry and warm (i.e. at home). That way, when you’re stuck in feet of snow and forced to chain up, you’ll know exactly what to do and won’t be struggling to read the instructions in 20 degree weather with wind and snow whipping you in the face.

How do you heat the water for MREs? I usually just throw some granola bars and a few water bottles in the back.

Alaska has been scheming lately. Every time I’ve flown with them in the last few months, they start boarding way ahead of schedule - at least 45 minutes - so that they can take off early. The downside is that if one person doesn’t show up, they have to wait until 15 minutes prior before they can actually push back or

Kangaroos freak me out - they look too human, with their buff arms and chests. Obviously this guy thought so too, because his first reaction was to square up.

This article is such a welcome relief after the recent Faraway Future news. Bring it on!

Great, so the DOJ levied a fine that amounts to 2.4% of Princess Cruise’s profit from last year (which was $1.7 billion). Wake me up when the DOJ grows a pair of fucking balls.

Maybe these companies should set their sights lower and try to compete with Tesla before trying to ‘kill’ them. People in Silicon Valley will buy this stuff - you just have to get it to market to start the ball rolling. Nobody is going to succeed if they try to overtake Tesla, however. Musk has too much money and