
The daily show is not fake news, it’s a news satire. Same with Weekend Update. They present real news stories, then use satire to exaggerate and make jokes. The Onion is fake news, and then propaganda is propaganda. I agree with you 100% though - the ‘fake news’ that everybody is reporting needs to be called out as

Biggest issue I’ve had is battery related. My phone used to die at 30% for no reason. I’d plug it in and then it would immediately turn back on before dropping the battery life down to 5% or something. I could unplug it and it would run all the way down to 1% before shutting off. I eventually took my phone in under

Are you talking about how the lock screen displays your phone call but there’s no ‘end call’ button? I’ve found that touching the person’s name usually brings up the ‘end call’ icon. I have no idea why they removed that screen... Makes zero sense.

You can earthquake proof taller buildings. The Burj Khalifa is designed to withstand a 7.0 earthquake and the Wilshire Grand in LA was built to some of the strictest seismic considerations in the world (which is a code requirement). It makes the building more expensive, but is by no means impossible.

This man is my new hero

That supercharger whine though...

Shouldn’t it be Make America Great Again? The whole tag line is MAGA, not just the ‘AGA’ part. Doesn’t make much sense to leave ‘make’ lowercase while capitalizing the rest of it. For people who are probably going to scream ‘learn English!’ at immigrants for the next four years they should probably double check

I don’t think it’s actually the styling of the headlights but the connotation they carry. The 996 falls in this weird category where it’s both uglier than the 993 and the 997 while also liquid cooled, so the ‘true’ Porsche enthusiasts scoff and refuse to buy them, which drives prices down and makes it easier for Joe

I have the Make Donald Drumpf Again extension running and sometimes I forget it’s not actually Drumpf. I set it up for a few months’ worth of laughs - looks like it’s going to be 4 years of cringing now.

Maybe Trump supporters are just angry because their shitty Folgers tastes shitty? #makecoffeegreatagain

I would love to see a response from Giz on how they completely missed the entire point of the article.

This is why you DON’T FEED WILDLIFE. In my old neighborhood people would leave cat food out for feral cats, because they were afraid the cats were ‘hungry.’ As a result, the feral cat population fucking exploded. If you leave easy access food for hungry animals, of fucking course they’re going to come back again and

I was actually marked down by the instructor during my first driving test for not checking my rear-view mirror when stopped or slowing. I brushed him off and forgot about it until I was rear-ended a few years later at a crosswalk by a Volvo station wagon doing about 30 mph. I now check my rear-view mirror religiously.

It’s possible that fracking isn’t causing the earthquakes, but don’t you think that we should probably stop pumping millions of gallons of highly pressurized water into a sensitive tectonic area prone to massive earthquakes?

That’s an interesting point, I had never looked up that statistic. In (a very poor) defense of the other countries, South Korea has a very low debt to GDP ratio and a solid economy (from what I understand). They can afford to invest militarily, and they do so because of the imminent threat that is North Korea.

Maybe at nine in the morning, so we can all get our Friday started right?

Intravenous administration of ethanol is the preferred route.

Bernie IS 75. He will be 79. Agreed, probably too old.

You know you’re properly fucked when the owner is asking for continuances instead of the contractor

I wonder how many of these protesters are the same people that either a) refused to vote because ‘both candidates are criminals’ or b) voted for a third party candidate.