
Nope, nope nope! That’s the problem with our system and what Obama is trying to change and what Bernie wanted to change. Twenty eight states have ‘three-strike’ laws that require a harsher prison sentence (or life) for repeat felony offenders. A felony drug charge is possession of any Schedule I narcotic (cocaine,



I’m honestly surprised it’s taken this long for someone to file a lawsuit

This times a million. We already have the technology for clean energy, but the government is hell bent on burning coal and oil instead because they’re all bureaucratic morons with each other’s thumbs up their asses. Even if someone figures out how to sustain fusion energy, the amount of funding it would require to

Uh, can anybody tell me what this is supposed to represent? It looks like a small person performing forced fellatio. From the NY Times link.

Bear in mind that a portion of what your insurance pays for is liability coverage for damage your car can cause, not actual damage to your car (i.e. bodily injury, property damage). For me, that’s 30% of my coverage. The other 70% is comprehensive and collision for my car. Also, your insurance may have a portion that

If the cases against Tesla are any indication, it doesn’t matter who you end up killing - their estate is going to sue the manufacturer anyway.

Here’s a Go fund me I’m actually happy to see doing exceedingly well

Thank you for that tidbit - good looking out.

The fact that Trump’s campaign can’t refute these claims by traditional methods and must resort to “debunking” via armrest-gate standards really shows that they have zero faith that Trump never actually said these things and they know nobody will believe them anyway. Yeah, the guy probably did all this and more.

The correct answer is (what I assume would be) Volvo’s answer: Build the car so that it can withstand the crash without killing the passenger and make the car swerve to save the children. Both lives saved. Except the truck driver coming the other way... He’s probably dead.

Yes. MRSA. This is the reason I shower and wash all my clothing immediately upon getting home from the airport.

My assumption is that they used the vehicle as collateral for a loan and still owe a portion of the loan. Unless you can somehow pay the loan directly out of the cash for the vehicle and thus guarantee both the title and the loan clear and free, I would avoid this like the plague.

This is basically how a zipper merge works in CA

FIFY. I think Peter Thiel stopped his war when he won (FWIW I think Thiel did was disgusting and am still horrified that Gawker lost, because of the Freedom of Press implications that could carry... Nevertheless, I can’t help but poke fun at Giz for continuing this tirade)

This needs more stars. I had no idea these could be had for $10k. Hmm... Now if only that was an F-Type.

If the Michael Clayton one is any indication, his use of GIFs is spectacular

According to the rules, unless SpaceX can make a Mars trip commercially available in the next six days, you’re just gonna get a nice bonus check.
