Did you just call a stranger “sweety*?”
Did you just call a stranger “sweety*?”
Also it’s spelt sweetie.
I’d recommend not calling people sweety if you want them to think your correction is anything but condescending. it comes off real gross.
He didn’t propose that she propose that he propose again. She was so surprised that he had proposed, she asked him to ask her again. Allegedly. Which is still bs.
You... parsed that incorrectly. Read it again, sweety: she was so surprised that he proposed, PAUUUUSE, so SHE insisted HE propose again. Not she was surprised that he proposed that she propose that he propose. You’re making it too hard on yourself :p
Right, Rey is like, so boring and not interesting to play as, whereas I have always found myself deeply passionate about, and highly invested in, small metal thimbles and top hats. I mean, have you heard about Thimble’s backstory???
Insufficient interest in Rey or Monopoly?
If those really were lines of coke then it was fucking amateur hour over there...
I don’t care for the Kardashians, but her explanation seems totally valid. Yet, people are literally accusing her of going to buy a table to cover it up. Is that Mars colony ready yet????
I don’t know wtf Christie Brinkley is talking about, but “clapped back” (also clapback) is an AAVE term that awful celebrity sites are currently squeezing the life out of.
I wish she did coke. It might actually give her a personality.
Donald Trump Jr: “Well, sure, I robbed the bank, but it turned out it wasn’t payroll day, so it wasn’t even worth taking the money. Such a nothing.”
As someone who gets upwards of 100 emails a day at work, let me just say...
Kim doesn’t even drink. I don’t think she’s snorting coke of a table in her home in the broad daylight.
I assume any drugs the Kardashian/Jenner clan do are those amphetamine-based ones that keep your appetite down. They probably get some really good ones for rich people that don’t make your heart explode.
It sounds completely made up for the sake of his article. People with HS educations are intimidated by “soppresatta”? Tha fuck?
Suggesting an alternative place to eat for somebody who isn’t comfortable isn’t weird. Assuming they aren’t comfortable because they aren’t as educated as you and telling that to the country is weird.
Brooks is so weird. There’s nothing wrong with offering an alternative if a friend looks visibly uncomfortable with the initial place you take them, but why read more into it?
Calling it- Joanna definitely wrote this takedown.