
Cultural snobbery really annoys me. I don’t care what someone likes; I just care that they can articulate an interesting, meaningful reason as to why they like it, and all these kids were able to do that with Lil Yachty. It may not be my particular taste but you know what, if everyone liked the same exact things I

The main thing I find attractive about Lil’ Yachty is that he pisses the old-heads off.

I remember having my first orgasm at 13. My boyfriend was fingering me and I was so CLUELESS that I didn’t even know what an orgasm was. I was getting pretty turned on and then all of a sudden everything felt goddamn AMAZING for a few seconds and then it tickled and I made him stop. Took me 3 more years to figure out

Hold on, she’s 52?

The fact that no one booked hotel rooms is AMAZING to me. Like what a perfect representation of how awful this government is.

If you had millions of loans tied to Russian banks run by Putin, and had been laundering money for him and his gang for decades in order to secure those loans, and if your election to POTUS was due to Putin tampering with the US election and having our voting machines hacked, you’d be puckering up too.

Anytime an adult uses the word “haters” to defend themselves, I automatically assume they are in the wrong. It’s a bullshit word used by bullshitters.

Ohhhhh, someone brought the tea! Also, that shit is nasty!

This is precisely what I came down here to write. The second I hear “mama bear” I go ahead and assume slightly nuts. Though they’re usually on the other side of the counter demanding to see the manager.

You should be disgusted. There are a lot of gross people in the world.

I live in Memphis and used to eat at this restaurant until a friend of mine posted about her experience working there - they leave open breastmilk in the fridge, use expired products, essentially just microwave gardein patties and treat their employees like GARBAGE. They have been running wild on social media for a

I was in a restaurant yesterday, just wanted to relax and look at my email, had ordered and was chilling out at a table that I had chosen that was admittedly away from the rest of the crowd - and a woman walked to the back of the restaurant and decided to use the table smack next to me to change her kid’s diaper. No

From baby buttholes to tofurkey sausages, this whole article made me vaguely nauseated.

Welcome to the world of Black woman, where we get NOTHING. Rarely the love interest or aspirational woman to be cherished and loved and protected. Pretty much always the sassy best friend who has no life outside of the white folks on screen. And good damn luck if you’re dark-skinned and rock your natural hair/braids.

And spent much of the series pursuing Ann, whose ambiguous ethnic blend perfectly represents the dream of the American melting pot. 

This is a really bad take on a great article.

Yeah...I sort of hate that this movie is being used as the laundry line that airs these issues. It’s an important point that deserves to be heard, but this is literally the third article I’ve read online about The Big Sick mainly discussing issues with white women/Asian men onscreen. It starts feeling like a

Thank you. I came here to say this. People keep asking for stories about real people that are inclusive. THIS IS A FUCKING REAL STORY THAT IS INCLUSIVE. SO REAL IN FACT THAT IT FUCKING HAPPENED. Unless white women now have to either date within their race or no one is allowed to tell true stories about interracial

It is indeed based on their true story:

I agree but isn’t this particular movie a true story? I don’t think it belongs quite in the same category because it was Kumail’s real life experience with his current partner and not a fictional creation. Thoughts?