
I am not surprised they didn’t know better, but I am surprised there wasn’t one person involved in this whole process who didn’t understand this very basic issue.

I buy a lot of useless crap, and I genuinely don’t understand why someone would buy a shirt with a picture of Tupac that has Kylie’s (Kendall’s?) initials on it. Even if someone were a fan of the Kardashians, it makes no sense.

On Wednesday, 19-year-old Monalisa Perez shot her boyfriend, 22-year-old Pedro Ruiz III, in the chest from a foot away with only an encyclopedia covering his body, killing him.

I don’t think people grasp how HUGE a Desert Eagle .50 cal pistol is and the size of the bullet.

This is a tragic scenario for her and especially for her children, who will now grow up with a mother in jail and a dead father.

What, you mean that a .50 caliber pistol round, designed to be primarily used for hunting very big game or punching through substantial body-armour and still injuring or killing the target in warfare, wouldn’t be stopped by a fucking book?

I agree — this ad should be blasted everywhere as a succinct and accurate synopsis of how the Republican Party views non-Republicans. This is it, this is the crap I’ve heard from hometown friends, family and acquaintences for years. This is the exact crap we’ve heard from the real opinion leaders on the right for

I’m sorry, but Obama wore a tan suit to a press briefing. And at one point he put his feet on a desk.

Obama? I was just telling a co-worker I miss Bush Jr. he can even bring along Cheney.

I really miss Obama and how much dignity and grace he and Michelle had when they were insulted. Frankly, they had some horrific and awful things said about them.

Bottom line: The NRA is making this ad because this is how the Republican base sees our country, at this moment in time, and it accurately reflects their feelings about everyone else in the country. These people are heavily armed and itching for a fight, talking nice and listening to their concerns will not defuse the

Same. The producers apparently tried to manufacture drama to get contestants to cry. Mel and Sue actually walked off the set in protest and the producers relented. They are good people for sure.

I want Mel and Sue to be my friends.

Not to mention, Mel and Sue would apparently start cursing if a baker was crying so that the footage of the baker sobbing could not be used. That’s some A+ hosting, right there.

“Spends most of the time knitting alone and refusing to mix with others.” Is my ideal Saturday night.

I don’t think the magic of the original GBBO cast will ever be matched. They had real chemistry and genuinely seemed to have fun together.

I was hoping there would be something about David Foster and Kris Jenner in this dirtbag so I could post this flow chart. It’s really a thing of beauty.

Susanna Reid will one day stick a stiletto between Morgan’s ribs and serenely watch him bleed out.

this was literally me, there, watching all that

Wrong. “Shiny” is the best song since it’s basically Jemaine Clement reprising his Bowie impression from Flight of the Conchords.