That was really the dream team. And it always killed me how she had to say, “Noted Fashion Photographer” every single time. Do you think he negotiated that in his contract?
That was really the dream team. And it always killed me how she had to say, “Noted Fashion Photographer” every single time. Do you think he negotiated that in his contract?
Every time I see Shandi I think of her boyfriend screeching “You had SEX?????”
MY CREEPY UNCLE IS SOME SORT OF PASTOR AT THIS CHURCH AND ... well ... The Barndemonium episode - that barn was my grandma’s barn, which she signed over (with her house next to it) to my weird and nauseating Christian cult aunt and uncle. The barn was going to be like a missionary commune, it was never going to be a…
Also, and I know because I grew up there, Waco is a shitty hellhole of despair. Really people, I cannot stress this enough, it has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. I’m mystified every time someone mentions this show because I don’t care if I could buy the Taj Majal for 125K, if it’s in fucking Waco, forget it.
Talk about Koreshing my hopes and dreams, amirite?
Get off your fucking phone and say hi to the great Lily Tomlin! = I’m hanging out with an icon so you’ll have to acknowledge me!
Racism is not a mental illness, nor is mental illness an excuse for racism.
I’m pretty sure the common thread here is marijuana. The employees got freaked out by a customer and hid in the back: high. Dude goes to CVS in the middle of the night looking for cheese and spends 45 minutes wandering around the store: high.
the panicked employee who had called the cops was being “counseled and retrained.”
I am, again, legit horrified by race relations in this country - but how did they look around a CVS for 30-45 minutes?
Also, so the cop helped them until they suddenly became a threat?
The only conclusion I can come up with is that the employees had just indulged in some particularly paranoia-inducing weed together. Because that’s just fucking weird.
“I was totally aware of Yolanda” is also delicately vicious, completely wiping out the exhortations of Yolanda having been “a great model”. Well played, Rebecca...
I dunno. Mark Gagliardi’s version back when Drunk History was just a web series where Hamilton (Michael Cera) calls his family (including his, uh, mom and dad) to say goodbye before the duel was pretty sweet.