
Well she is the 1%, so...

“Mike Pence? He couldn’t even get elected Vice President! Sad.”

Late tomorrow Trump is going to deny he said any of this, and will insist he was never a candidate for President and he’ll call Mike Pence a loser.

“You have dealt with an unbelievable slanted and negative media and have come out beautifully” sounds 0% like something Bill Belichick would say, and 100% like something Donald Trump would say while reading a blank page he is pretending is a letter from Bill Belichick.

But oh man, having the time and money to spend three hours at the gym everyday with a personal trainer?

Curious as to how his views may have evolved on the issue of Oligarhs.

My anxiety is starting to really ramp up folks.

This is very informative. I would add:

+1 should’ve stopped at “Chanukah Lewinsky”, you greedy half-brilliant bastard.

She went on to blame Hillary for Bill’s past infidelities, including his affair with Chanukah Lewinski and rumored misconduct with PauL’Chaim Jones.

Burn, Donald.


You’re saying the sushi I was about to order from Craiglist might not be healthy?

Comey couldn’t wait EIGHT DAYS to complete an ongoing investigation, as per protocol, to mention the fucking emails?! You know, show some restraint, like he has about ongoing investigations into Trump dealings?! What a bag of cocks. He better be drafting a resignation letter now, he’s out of a job Jan. 21.

When applying for his real estate license in 2006, he explained his sex offender status in a decidedly different fashion from the crime for which he served time, essentially chalking the whole incident up to “heated fight” with his then-girlfriend, calling it a “youthful mistake.”

The truly amazing thing about this whole campaign (and the 30 years that preceeded it) is how a woman who independent and impartial analysis rates as “somewhat better than the rest of ‘em”, with a 30 year record of public service in which her worst verifiable transgressions are “changed position on various social

With all the Trump coverage, I forgot how cool it is to have an adult president.

Conservatism: Pushing back against objective reality since St Ronald of Reagan descended from capitalist heaven in the year of our lord, nineteen hundred and eighty.