
This. Inviting the Dixie Chicks was a Class A move. It was a “I’m the most powerful woman in music & I will not be showing up to bow down to you.” Instead she brought a group of extraordinarily talented women who have been ostracized from country music for a decade because of their anti-war/liberal political beliefs

Their heads are exploding on the CMA FB page.

From my coworker Jordan Sargent:

Whatever happened to cutting a hole in a vegetable or gourd of some sort, microwaving it for a couple of seconds, and fucking it?

When i was just an innocent 12 year old mormon kid, my neighbor friends asked me if i had ever masturbated before, i said no not knowing what it was.

They explained that i just needed to get some soap for lubrication and rub my dick.

What they didn’t emphasize was they were talking about liquid soap or lotion. So that

She’s b-l-a-c-k.

To this entire family:

What is crazy to me is the number of conservatives lashing out on twitter about how much of a class act Melania is and how Michelle Obama has no class. I seriously can’t even process how anyone can see FLOTUS as not being a class act, regardless of politics. 

she isn’t paying attention. she is fulfilling her bare minimum obligation being married to this man.

I just...I don’t know. Does she simply not understand the english language? Is that it? Does she just not comprehend what she’s saying? Or is she so tired that the words aren’t even registering in her brain, she’s simply reading shit aloud and not paying attention? I also heard her say today that over the years Donald

I’m just curious about what you people do after you get out of the shower. Do you just tuck the towel to make it stay up? Do you wander naked? Do you get dressed immediately, which makes me shudder just thinking about it?

that sleeve of 100 in black or brown by goody. that’s where it’s at.

I use mine all the time. But I work from home, so I’m practically all leisure (not this shitty athleisure bullshit, real leisure) all the time.

Can we agree that “gives Nick Jonas a boner” is an inappropriate casting parameter?

The thing about theatre and film and television is sometimes there are REASONS a role must be cast with a specific ethnicity. Like in Hamilton. They aren’t just arbitrarily deciding to ONLY cast non-white actors! There is a fucking reason! IT’S INTEGRAL TO THE FUCKING MESSAGE OF THE SHOW. The people who complained are

The irony is that the GOP cut funding for embassy protection in the many austerity driven budgets prior to this happening.

She literally walked into Benghazi in her camo “action” pantsuit and killed those people herself.

Please remind me when it became acceptable to “sarcastically” joke about assassinating someone currently under Secret Service protection?

I was using the firing squad words