
I love this show and really do hope we get another season, but at the same time there has been something a little off for me this year, even when I've been enjoying the majority of episodes. I don't know if it's losing Pierce and Troy, or the time jump or what, but I feel like the show's lost some of its old charm.

I still do find the seventh season awfully disappointing, even though it has some really good individual episodes. It felt like the show had been building momentum for so many years, and then much of the last season was just…okay. Not even really bad, but not up to the standards of previous years. The finale was good

@Mikosqz I strongly disagree about Buffy not having deep characters - in fact, I think it had some of the most complex and believable characters in TV history, not in spite of but somehow (through some weird writing alchemy) BECAUSE they lived in a make-believe fantasy world.