
The only reason nukes are not a standard part of our Airforce ordinance is a scientist leaking nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union.

He’s half-white. Anyone with any sense knows being part white is why he was given a shot at all.

Many people I know who voted for him felt he isn’t a good idea. They felt that Hillary is a worse idea. There were several people tempted by my joke of writing in Satan; they agreed the Devil really would have been the lesser evil this time.

Why are you surprised? Fox News polls said he would lose, and the Fox News polls always predict the winner will lose.

We had Andrew Jackson, who attempted genocide. So even for racism, Trump isn’t going to stand out.

This. Seriously, this.

But, we all love the Trumpites. Every Trumpite I meet reminds me about how lucky I am to be alive and how beautiful this world can be. The Trumpites are just looking for the same thing we are, a place to be free, to stake out our dreams, a place with unlimited possibilities. Why, I just want to gather them all