
I never understood the appeal of “Youtube Personalities”. To me, they are equivalent to the “Reality TV Star”, in that rarely do they have any talent, and are making money off of being the most extreme and boisterous individual they could possibly be. It’s the equivalent of the “if I am loud enough, more people will

We've had the literal right to vote for less than a century. It was legal for a man to rape his wife within my lifetime. When my mother applied to college, most of the best schools in the nation were closed to women. And in my profession, women professors and physicians are paid significantly less than their male

Do we need to talk about stages? Because so far I've noticed two types.

Well, and also, 1 in 4 women is a victim of sexual assault. I don't believe the rate of men being locked up for rape, false accusation or not, is anywhere near 25%.

As someone who nearly got raped after consuming alcohol, let me just say—it's all well and good until it happens to you and then you realize how stupid it is to blame alcohol on rape and not rapists who use alcohol to rape.

Yes, I have been informed on multiple occasions that not following the MRA religion means I am a feminazi-brainwashed mangina.

They care about their fellow men so much, they would dismiss your viewpoint as that of a "mangina."

The call for child support "accounting" always cracks me up. It's like they think that every single woman receives thousands of dollars a month and is living it up on a yacht with all that sweet sweet child support. Two of my closest friends receive child support. One gets $80 per month for one child. The other gets

It is very frustrating to me as a divorced parent to hear people rationalize that custodial parents should account for the use of their child support funds. Here's the deal people; child support is not a payment TO the child. It is a payment to the custodial parent to support the type of life that child would have if

i can't wrap my head around the "but but women can report false rapes!" argument. people can commit insurance fraud; it doesn't mean we should start dismissing people whose houses are burning down.

I think I said this once before. They are run of the mill hate groups, right? So, what do we do with the other ones? I think we just periodically laugh at them when they do or say something particularly ridiculous, and then go about our day.

Don't get me started on child custody or child support payments. They want very strict gender roles (i.e. women stay home to take care of children) and then scream murder when the courts award custody to the mother and the financial support that comes with it. If you dare to point out that you can't have it both

Same here. These guys disgust me. If any of them dared to say to me that they were doing something FOR ME, he'd be in the hospital that night.

I once got into an exchange with a "men's rights activist" last year on a Buzzfeed post. I was doing a google search last week of my name because I'm applying for jobs and wanted to make sure nothing crazy came up and was horrified to see that the same creep who I had exchanged words with had posted links to my

When I told my boyfriend about the existence of men's rights groups, he said, "I don't get it. Don't we already have all the rights?"

As a man, fuck the MRAs. I don't need angry misogynists speaking for me, I can stand up for my own issues just fine, and if I need help I'm certainly not going to turn to those whose reaction to their own insecurities is to place the blame on women.

But...but there was a guy on the internet who one time said his female boss totally singled him out BECAUSE he was a white male. I mean, he said it in the comments section so it had to be true!

As a dude in 2014 can we all just accept that "Men's Rights" is code for, "I wanna be on Mad Men!"

It's telling that they focus on false rape allegations and not, say, false assault or embezzlement charges. They only destroy your life when they're made by a woman standing up.

Every MRA dude I know is either divorced or a "Nice Guy" (TM). I can't imagine anyone with positive female relationships in their life would be an MRA.