
Sigh. If you don't get the awesomeness of Lifetime movies, I feel for you.

So what exactly are these people who are all about being evil and spreading bad things doing in Anonymous then, considering that the group - for as long as the mainstream media has been aware of them for the past 5 years or so - has been dedicated to defending rape victims, victims like the ones in this article,

Oh really? So the same people who posted naked pictures of you are now taking down Hunter Moore and his ilk. Sounds legit.

Watch the tv show "Once Upon a Time" and consider the character of Peter Pan. :)

Ugh, don't you realize that those are different people? Don't you realize that the people who were in Anonymous a decade ago - which is like a million years on the internet - are totally different people??? They aren't 4chan anymore. Seriously take a seat.

Oh but Lifetime movies are more fun. They have the highest quality actors.

truth. I've dated most of them.

they are the kids who were bullied on the schoolyard, and they are the bullies who are beaten by their parents, and they are the children who never grew up. :(

ooh!! LIFETIME where you at???

I completely understand where you're coming from, and if I found a picture of myself like that online it honestly wouldn't bother me, but you have to remember that a massive chunk of America believes in "god" and in "sin" and in firing schoolteachers because they have breasts that may have been seen by someone other

To the people who argued nonsense at me the last time I said this, I'm going to say this again: I think Anonymous are heroes.

"why did op say that this is something to be sad about," is why I answered you that, if you read my response to her, or many other people, you will see that I'm in total agreement with you about what is sad.

I'd recommend dismissing that crazy person's comments. She's quite angry and mean and not helping anyone including herself.

yeah, silly doctors!

I can't believe I'm bothering to answer this because it's so incredibly obvious.

OP has answered her question and your endlessly in this thread. UGH

Now playing

Tyra been there, done that boo, it's called a smize.


Doctors. Doctors define overweight. As in "over a healthy weight" because your body receives stress from carrying too much fat on it's bones and muscles like the heart.

A) at no point did I use any kind of ad hominem argument.