Dolly Parton's Third Boob

Of course don’t get pregnant if you’ve been scheduled to appear in something. Get pregnant when you’ve cleared your calendar. That isn’t sexist, that’s common sense.

In Hollywood? Of course it is. They have way more people that want in than get in.

Most people are.

Nope. Because a significant percentage of the population will never buy that.

It might have been a fist. I doubt she was hurt much.

Oh the poor womyn getting herself involved!

Not really, in that situation, no. She got what she deserved.

Pretty much, yes. The only fights at the beach in SD anyway.

So what? She’s a poor womyn?

I prefer persecution.

Clickbait Bullshit. Big surprise.

You need to learn to read. I said “reverse engineering so you can steal”. Reverse engineer whatever you want, just don’t steal as a result. There are dirty-room/clean-room strategies to reverse engineer without stealing but China doesn’t do this - and yes, China has a culture of theft.

What’s worse is ARM’s copyright on their instruction set.

What have they innovated? I can’t think of a product I use that the design and innovation didn’t occur outside of China.

These companies only want to release information to those under NDA that they wish to do business with - to sell to and support. These companies don’t sell other than what are called “jelly bean” parts any other way.

Pioneers are the ones with arrows in their backs, especially in engineering.

No. They steal back and forth - a difference. Even their they protect their own IP as much as possible, just not anyone elses they feel like stealing.

They don’t want to sell chips to every Tom, Dick, and Cheng. It requires support. A lot of support.

Theft is theft dude. If you want to innovate, innovate. Reverse engineering someone elses innovation so you can steal is just theft.

Because chip sales imply support to the customer. Customer support is a limited resource.