So what's the deal with the military graves? I'm not sure my screen was wide enough.
So what's the deal with the military graves? I'm not sure my screen was wide enough.
And that's the show that really hooked me because of the "what-should-I-do" ending.
With Samaritan gone, Fusco could now demonstrate the corruptness of Le Roux, the captain who asked for their badges this episode, the cops who were paid to kill them, etc. and the charges would stick.
I admit it. I'm in mourning.
I think Agent LeRoux is gonna end up in a Mexican prison.
She HOPED it was a simulation that she could awake from.
I still want a Shaw/Bear reunion before this comes to an end.
For me, the best part was that he took no pleasure in threatening the guy. He seemed resigned, knowing that was the only way.
I really want to be surprised when someone returns so I cover up the guest cast list when it appears. It keeps me from anticipating and/or dreading their appearance. I can't stand Harper and I would've really been annoyed if I knew she was coming up. Instead, she turned out to be a wonderful part of the plot.
That was in Alethia. Mors Praematura was the one with Jason Greenfield.
Thank you so much!!!! It is so appreciated.
PLEASE STOP WITH THE SPOILERS!! Some of us want to be surprised. Please just tell people to look it up themselves.
But Harold downloaded a computer virus, right? It's not a human virus is it?
I love how the writers are able to surprise me. The 2nd TM gave me a lot of comfort that the Machine will carry on long after Harold and John have left the subway. And they were so happy! None of the weight that's plagued the originals.
But it is relevant because it's the same exec producers. It started out like gangbusters and then went downhill pretty fast. I don't want to see the same thing happen to Bloodline.
I heard that they asked her to come do the dialogue on set to make it more immediate.
Harold's off the leash and this show is off the HOOK.
Not only did he grieve Nathan after the ferry bombing, he grieved the loss of Grace. I think that's been the driving force in his life - his struggle to stay within his rules kept her safe (except for the hiccup last season) but it's kept her from him. If he'd gone to the dark side, I think he feared losing all those…
I better get my Bear-Shaw moment before this is over.
Saving his life just so he can sit around reading books in the safe house? Is that really a life for Elias?