
His jabs at the weasels at CBS were always funny. And when he went on to do the segments "More with Les (Moonves)", it was hilarious. One time, the CBS website was promoting the People's Choice Awards and instead of having a pic of Dave, they had a picture of Leno. Dave made so much comedic hay out of that. They then

There are so many people like Barbara who started off at the lowest job and moved their way up. Dave has a reputation for being good to the people who've worked for him and promoting them from within. I read that he also provided very low-cost loans to anyone who wanted to go back to school. He's a guy after my own

I really want to know what happened to the kid that said "Accidents happen". LOLOLOLOLOL

And now they're getting a divorce.

I don't have the full context of his remarks but Dave said that his show didn't make light of the OJ Simpson trial while it was happening because at the heart of the matter, two people were dead. He said that he never could've done anything like the Dancing Itos because it was not appropriate. I've always been a Dave

I've found that most people who are commenting have been with Dave since 1982 and stuck with him for all 33 years.

Dave has always said that the credit goes to the team. He's been very consistent since he joined the television landscape that it is a collaborative medium and he's taken very good care of the people on his staff and crew. If you look at the credits, you will see a great number of names that were there from the very

He was acting. They had rehearsed the bit earlier in the day. He knew what was coming.

She was in there.

Watching the montage was like old home week. I remember so much of it. What a ride it was!

I didn't want it to work out any which way except something that was remotely true to the characters and the plot. Jesus, they seem to be writing this show with a magic 8 ball.

I thought that was funny but when he mentioned Letterman, she started blowing kisses. That was for Dave.

Nice shout-out to Letterman at the end but I thought they would at least give a shout-out to Paul Schaffer given his tenure on the show. That was a big missed opportunity.

Fitz is so goddamn dumb that it's hard to fathom he can tie his shoes. He is so suggestible he's practically a player in The Manchurian Candidate. How is he going to explain the 180 from his lovely speech about Mellie? "Ha, ha, ha Virginia! She's your problem now!"? How stupid was it to fire Cyrus, the man who knows

Hells bells, they could've been photographed by a drone coming over the White House fence.

As far as the actors go, they've all been stellar all season. But as far as the characters go, Fusco was the MVP. From his quips to his excellent detective work, I fell more in love with him with each episode.

It's SO hard to choose. I've replayed each of the episodes a few times just to catch all the nuances.
1. Cntl-Alt-Delete (especially the back half of the ep)
2. If-Then-Else
3. The Devil You Know
4. Pretenders (I laughed harder at this ep than most sitcoms)
5. Panopticon (because they did such a great job of bringing the

It just goes to show how little Samaritan knows about humans. Other humans will step up to take the place of the ones "corrected". Humans are not static.

Yeah but we're gonna be waiting longer than that.

I absolutely HATE the Iris storyline. The fact that she was his therapist is so icky to me so I dislike their relationship.