I thought that was incredibly clever.
I thought that was incredibly clever.
She'll never cross that ethical line to date John.
I think it was a fixer that manipulated the jury pool because Finch was included in the research. Samaritan can't see Finch.
I think it was The Machine that caused the cellphone to go off so Finch could be close to the number.
I was dreading the end of the episode as I was sure it was going to turn dark again given the last few episodes. I thought the cell tower stuff was going to be related to Samaritan.
It was so comforting to us as the audience that they demonstrated that the initial premise is still in play.
I was completely bummed that John wasn't thrilled to see Zoe.
It was so great to see John laugh with Iris. I don't even think he laughed like that with Carter.
We saw shades of Season 1 Lionel tonight. The one who doesn't give a crap.
It really was back to basics. They didn't even have Bear this episode.
I was a little unclear about who Zoe was talking about when she said John was interested in someone because we'd just seen him distress over Shaw's passports. But the next shot was Iris. Can you say transference? A romance would be so unethical for her.
Samaritan probably doesn't realize how far Root will go with her emotions about Shaw. I think it's Samaritans fatal flaw that it doesn't comprehend human intentions.
As far as we know, Shaw is Root's first love and that comes with a lot of power. Root has no experience in knowing love will come again.
I really like Adria Arjona (Silva) but she needs a little more volume and a lot more enunciation. She took low-talking to a whole new level on this episode.
I think The Machine has done the calculations and has determined that Root will be killed (and/or Harold, Reese, and Fusco) if she pursues Shaw now. But I guess TM could've sent the message WAIT.
You're right.
The schedules for shooting are planned at least a week out so any conflicts would've been worked out already.
I think Fusco can't bear the pain of hope.
I just realized that Sarah Shahi wasn't credited at the top of the show. They were trying to fake us out.
Remember at the end of Prophets, Root told Harold that she was comfortable not knowing what The Machine wanted ("Sometimes it's better not to know"). Now she will have to make a choice - The Machine or Shaw. In a lot of ways, it is the essence of faith. Does Root continue to have faith in the deity that, to this…