
Where is the rest of Nate Newton?

I wouldn’t even fuck her with Kloe Kardashian’s dick.

found the dickhead

“Has to be a way we can pin this on the Patriots”


Also it was a bunch of Brits leaving Las Vegas so they were really really really really really hung over/ still drunk.

And with only 159 people on board. Unless it was in some ultra luxury all lie-flat configuration that is much less than half full. Should have been empty much faster; come to think of it they may want to consider that route if they are getting less than 200 regularly.

well played

Yeah but which side is saying that, the New Yorkers or the New Englanders?

Um, thanks!

you can have him

Well that seals it then, you know a guy.

Oh fuck you Connecticut

Thank you for circling the huge 777 with flames shooting out of it; never would have guessed what I should be looking at in this picture otherwise.

made $33 million last year, fyi

you’re right, i’m sure its nothing permanent...

great, this dickhead showed up

How the fuck does this keep happening? This is like a dozen of these.
