
NOS4A2 was really great, especially if you have read a lot of King, as their worlds start to blend together.

That hand is going to turn black and wither like Dumbledore's. Trump's hair is the 8th horcrux.

Let me float this theory out there: Jyn Erso successfully steals the plans to the Death Star making her enemy #1 on Vader's shit-list. In order to protect her, the Rebellion sends her to a remote planet (that's kind of their thing). Bounty hunters, working for the Empire, manage to track her down to the planet

He should hire a sky writer and apologize.

Matthew Modine is giving himself a big (by Matthew Modine standards) Twitter push for the role of Strange. Might be an interesting choice.

I can't quit him either.

"Cabin Fever" was the worst movie that I have ever paid to see. I don't understand how Eli Roth has established himself as one of the 'new faces of horror'.

The sequence in the Berlinger film that always gives me chills is the one in which the prosecutor asks Damian how he thinks the murderer would have felt while he was killing the boys. Damian answered truthfully: "I think he would have felt good." You could almost hear the jury gasping at this kid honestly answering

I can't help but think about "Training Day" when I hear this song:

And the inevitable backlash begins…..

The bombing of Dresden took place during WWII, not WWI.
… it goes…..

I have a horrible feeling that Ford isn't gonna bring his "A" game to this one. Comparing 2015 Han Solo to 1977 Han Solo is going to be depressing.

This is my favorite column and the possibilities with it are endless. I would love to hear from a Survivor contestant.

Most of the Amazon reviewers say basically the same thing:  "Get through the first one, then you will be amazed at how great the others are."  King himself even agreed (for the most part) in the forward to the "Drawing of the Three".  He wrote "The Gunslinger" when he was in college and had not yet found his voice. 

Most of the Amazon reviewers say basically the same thing:  "Get through the first one, then you will be amazed at how great the others are."  King himself even agreed (for the most part) in the forward to the "Drawing of the Three".  He wrote "The Gunslinger" when he was in college and had not yet found his voice. 

I'm almost finished with book 3 in the Dark Tower series (The Waste Lands) and I'm really surprised how much I'm enjoying it.  The first book was really difficult to get through, but the second one had me hooked right from the beginning.  I tried reading The Gunslinger back in high school, but gave up on it.  I'm

I'm almost finished with book 3 in the Dark Tower series (The Waste Lands) and I'm really surprised how much I'm enjoying it.  The first book was really difficult to get through, but the second one had me hooked right from the beginning.  I tried reading The Gunslinger back in high school, but gave up on it.  I'm

I'll look into it.  Thanks!

I'll look into it.  Thanks!

Can anybody tell me which is the best Batman animated series?  I'm looking to buy a dvd set, but there are 20 or 30 different series to pick from.  What is the best?