
“Cosplay guests bring with them a passion for the craft and the culture, and that reflects back in the way they interact with the community.””

I saw this tonight right outside my office right after reading this article. It’s a failed left LED brake light/lamp cluster on a car delivered 2 months ago.

THIS level is amazing. It’s the sort of thing I had hoped would come from Mario Maker. I mean, it just goes beyond the insane kaizo horror levels. This is game design at its best—it not only makes for some heart pounding game play, but it also tells a story by showing. You’re slowly dismantling this monster that is

1. That picture was poking fun at the guests who were busy on snapchat while standing on a hot pit lane, some with their backs turned, as amateur racers flew past them. Rarely do people get such access at an F1 track, and they were doing that instead. I felt it was good to include.

Of all those amazing pics of exquisite automobiles all you notice is a reflection and some people on their cell phones; of which you make an immature comment about?!? Are you on the right website? C’Mon man! Get it together. Stop looking for the spec in a diamond - the pics are priceless. And the people on cell

Thanks. What would we do without your suggestions.

I think its totally retarded that we cannot say “that’s gay."

This whole discussion is retarded.

What the fuck? That’s like going into a Star Wars fan club and saying “The Force Awakens is the best Star Wars movie.”

Well, now, wait a minute. This statement is from the defendant’s attorney, and it’s all sorts of weirdness. The other girls repeatedly hit her in the head and torso. The defensive attorney even used the phrase “consensual” when referring to a fight. No no. That’s not a word you can use for that. Then, he said it was

I’m a lawyer. I never make arguments like that. Mostly because THEY ARE DUMB AND THEY DON’T WORK.

The East river is not a river. It’s a tidal strait of the Atlantic Ocean that runs between New York harbor and Long Island sound. Salt water all the way. But it’s apparently good fishing for bluefish and stripers, as the anglers are out at all hours around my place.

This might be the dumbest thing I’ve ever read on all of Gawker.

Well that is an asinine comment, that is like saying you can’t build a house out of wood because you also need nails.

The people bitching about this are really gonna lose it when they find out Japan makes video games!

And if we passed laws outlawing drinking for pregnant women, they would immediately start in on the evils of soft cheese and why any woman who consumed even a molecule of it at any point during pregnancy is a child-abusing monster. If they got a law about that, they would move on to something else. Endlessly.


The only time you should look in your partner’s glass is to make sure that they have enough. You don’t look in your partner’s bowl to see if they have as little as you.

Great comment. As for Usama vs Osama, it makes no difference. Both are represented by the و which is both “u” and “o” (and “w” for that matter) though can be slightly altered by the “harakaat” or short vowels as well as other diacritical marks.