
I must be one of those unhip geezers you always hear about because I have no fucking idea what that's supposed to mean.

What's depressing is that this kind of racial scorekeeping continues to be taken seriously, or at the very least is paid lip service to. Am I the only one who feels like taking a shower after reading stuff like this?

What possible purpose would be served in the game by killing the strippers? If he has to go through the dressing room, the point is to do so undetected.

So the ''intended function" of including strippers in the game is for them to be brutalized.

So guns are manufactured for the express purpose of being used in indiscriminate mass shootings? Is that really your argument?

Whenever I'm looking for something in a hurry, that little potty mouth Matthew's from Seinfeld comes in handy, even though it was his mother quoting him:

But sir…

Very few "director's cuts" are justified. Alexander is an awful movie no matter how you cut it. As for Blade Runner, unless we're talking the theatrical voice-over release, I can hardly tell the difference between the other dozen tweak-editions. It seems to reflect a kind of a petty indecisiveness on the filmmaker's


That politeness myth… let me just say that a quick trip down to Toronto will quickly disabuse you of that notion. I've been living in this shit stain of a city for two decades and "polite" would be pretty far down on the list of fitting adjectives. We're a poor man's New York; all the filth and garbage minus any

So you're saying that an ideal war scenario should follow the rules of duelling?

You see, Prighlofone, what you fail to appreciate is that any depiction of interactions between white people and Persons Of Other Races is inherently problematic, and the always-reliable Mike D'Angelo can be counted on to point out these Lapses In Sensitivity so that we may dutifully frown and shake our heads, if we

To summarize:

How many people saw the colors change?

The AV Club

Not only was it a wonderfully terrifying viewing experience for my 8-year-old self, it is also the earliest sexual memory that I can recall (yes, the smothering tree scene). It may very well be the direct source of my facesitting fetish (I know, breast smothering in the film, but tell me those tree tits don't look

Andy and Lana Wachowski = the Wachowskis (no apostrophe required)
Jupiter Ascending, by the Wachowskis = the Wachowskis' Jupiter Ascending (apostrophe placed after the "s", not before).

Slaughter, do you not see how your statement contradicts your point? Introspection and an ability to question your own beliefs are qualities which do not encourage the kind blanket denunciation you level at conservatives. You present yourself as someone who identifies with a nuanced and intellectually open worldview

…in HERE!

Mark …uh …finds a way.