Hi Whitney,
Hi Whitney,
Literally every time I sit at someone else’s desk the first thing I do is grab the mouse and say “hellooo computer”. I can’t stop doing it and I hate myself more with each passing day.
“I’m as pro-union as anybody, but you still have to not form unions.”
Hint: The salary of the employees doesn’t come from the private coffers of the boss, it comes from the assets of the company, where it flows to because the work of the employees is valued by those bringing in money - whether it’s paying readers or advertisers who appreciate the viewers the work of the journalists…
Ah yes, that classic pro-union stance of “consider the boss!”
Any claim that this is anything other than retribution for unionizing is horseshit. If it was merely a matter of numbers not adding up - and Ricketts no longer being willing to eat the losses - he’d try to sell the business to someone else and thus recoup some of his losses.
Spacey Under Fire for Saying Hello to Tony Montana’s Little Friend
“Let’s Generalize About Men” is great; first instant classic of the season. And lordy, Heather talks in monotone so much, when she actually uses her singing voice, it’s like a totally different person.
Shabba doo, my friend. Shabba doo.
I’m getting kind of pissed with critics commenting that it’s “neither necessary nor desirable” to have a new season. Looking at the multiple storylines that were left intentionally hanging, and taking into account the fact that like any successful artist Lynch is 50% visionary and 50% hustler, the latter half working…