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    I think I just freaked myself out with this idea


    What if they, uh.. found other, simpler ways of calculating things we haven’t got a clue to calculate?

    Like, what if they worked out a way to create a gateway between worlds...
    ..and they didn’t die out.. they just, left.....

    So, would an autoimmune disease such as Coeliacs provide some form of favourable over-reaction to eating bad (or any potentially bad) grain?
    Could this bad grain be a natural selector pressure in European populations?

    Being a recently diagnosed Coeliac (UK spelling) with an allergy to wheat, the idea of living in those futuristic cities looks pretty...
    But then I realise I would be SURROUNDED for MILES by the thing that I now fear most!

    Indeed Yaulendur. In their eyes they were 'correcting'. The letter "i" appears to not have a 'dot' on the top, and as you have pointed out, is easy to confuse with the letter 'w', as I have done with my modern eye ;)

    As it happened it was the first word that my mind saw (which unsurprisingly has a big red 'B'!) and

    I imagine that stress build up, yield point of the boundary material, acceleration, accretion and buoyancy; are factors that heavily to lightly (respectively) influence the final characteristics and lethality/destructive power of the material flow.

    Partial Liquefaction seems a common occurrence at moderate slope

    The "Breuddwyd" ("Dream") scrawled at the right hand side appears to be somebody correcting the spelling of the text, which reads "Breudwd" in the first word of the paragraph.
    ..although I'm not certain when the modern spelling came into common usage :/