Dok Industrial

When you say “success,” do you mean story-wise? Because it sure seems like the film will be a commercial success. Not arguing: just trying to understand what you meant.

The wrong kid died.

a) agree, b) ehhhh, it’s a galaxy ruled by (or about to be, or recovering from having been ruled by) Space Nazis. I’d call that dystopia.

I once heard an explanation I really like. Metropolis Clark and Superman are both masks. The true Kal-El/Clark Kent is Smallville on the farm Clark.

Now playing

Ok maybe it is just me...but this guitar/rock music is giving me some Justice League/Unlimited theme song vibes. If this movie is even a fraction as good as JL/U...that is a very, very good thing.

My biggest gripe when it comes to these kind of make-up applications is that they all abide to the standard human face proportions. The article’s mention of Star Trek Beyond being the biggest example. It doesn’t matter if you’ve got a seashell on the back of your head or if the bone ridges give you big cheeks, the

The two changes that I really don’t like is changing the Mandalorian backstory, as well as changing Wedge’s backstory. I get bringing Thrawn more into the Empire, as the movies never really showed the anti-alien/human-first mentality of the Empire. Keeping the alien Thrawn on the sidelines worked in the books, but it

Fair nuff.

Yeah, saw it last night and it was a fun dumb action movie. The story did not make a whole lot of sense and characters were poorly written, but all the actors I think did a good job considering what they were working with. Will Smith is back to being fun enjoyable Will Smith. HQ was very fun to watch. I did not hate