
Man I bet that sounded really good in your head.

Your 10 year old is not a millennial. We’re like fucking 30 now dude.

Damn, being a Patriots fan must be tough.

Hernandez learned everything he knew about the Bible from Tim Tebow, which explains why his understanding of it was incomplete.

I don’t get it.

This is such a bizarre line of thinking to come up with. Need to save these dumb takes for your own personal use next time.

Nothing witty, I just hope he fucking dies.

There are many things you could read into the crowd’s decision to cheer for Hayward

And by the time next season starts, he’ll be 40 years old.

What, so women get to hit men all they want and men just have to stand there and take it? You’re a sexist piece of shit.

As a 150lb dude, nobody would blink twice if this guy knocked me the hell out after I hit him first. Despite his response still being “disproportionate” and despite him being “much bigger and stronger”.

Just own it. No matter how many years in a row you beat us, we will always have that picture.

I think there’s a difference between a low scoring tightly fought defensive battle and a contest where both team’s offenses were so abysmal that they couldn’t even score a FG in regulation when it was good weather even.

This was an especially emotional game for players and students of Army and Navy when you consider most of them are going to be killed in a nuclear war soon.

BD should’ve won [cowardly runs away].

This would've easily been prevented if the jaguar had his own gun.

Malicious Intent for both. The old man and college person

The three emotions of Mountaineers:

“ I know the shot is technically late, but basketball is better when this counts,”

What a stupid opinion you have.

Late is late. I can’t go back and say my girlfriend’s late period doesn’t count.