I assumed that was a prison shanking joke, so...
I assumed that was a prison shanking joke, so...
I can picture Cecily doing a sendup of this girl.
If it doesn't transfer power away from Trump on time for inauguration day, then what's the point?
Holy shit. Way to argue you didn’t disrespect a black person by disrespecting another black person. She really should've let her lawyer do the talking. Also, um... Daddy? This girl is The Worst.
My concern there is that it grants Pence the power of the presidency, including the ability to pardon Trump. Censure might be a better option for the long game.
Action Chrises.
Because it’s not a White Chris list so much as a Marvel Chris list as much as Jez likes to insist otherwise.
Maybe she just namedropped Al Sharpton because Kelly Bensimon started randomly screaming it at her over jelly beans.
Nene is little more than a scorned narcissist attempting to capitalize on a hot button issue to gain sympathy points. It’s cynical and it’s ugly.
Frustratingly, communities often seem all too willing to hand wave and look the other way where known abusive men are concerned so long as that abuse is inflicted on his partners alone. It makes it really easy for them to dismiss it as “messy couple stuff” and “nobody else’s business.” People don’t start to rally…
Behold the icon:
I do wonder which Diana they’ll give us. The same ol’ demure, lonely English rose? Or the borderline personality with multiple affairs who learned to give as good as she got? The latter definitely makes for more interesting television, as does the dichotomy between the two.
An estimated 33,000 Japanese Americans served in the U.S. military during World War II, of which 20,000 joined the Army. The 100th/442nd Infantry Regiment became the most decorated unit in U.S. military history.
Bella Hadid is dating someone who looks like he's a featured extra playing a mid level Irish mob henchman in a Scorsese movie.
I fell in love with what Radha had to offer years ago when I interviewed her while protesting at a controversial black women’s hair event. She’s been working on The 40 Year Old Version for a while, I’m so psyched to finally see it come to fruition!
Statistically, a woman is more likely to be murdered by her partner while pregnant than at any other point in the relationship. I do wonder how both of their decision making might have been impacted had there not been one on the way.
I think it also has a lot to do with the kind of true crime documentary narratives we’ve been primed to expect from Netflix. There’s always some twist, something sensational. Yet as crimes go, this one was as straightforward as it gets. The fact that there was no shocking twist was the shocking twist.
I went into the doc with no context (didn’t even watch the trailer) and, tbh, all the lifecasting projected an artifice that had me anticipating a Gone Girl-esque scenario. Especially given that he had the same handsome but shifty simpleton vibes as Affleck.