Multiple people tried to get her professional help, including Charles. She refused, mostly due to the stigma, which is why her children have devoted so many resources to removing the stigma surrounding mental illness.
Multiple people tried to get her professional help, including Charles. She refused, mostly due to the stigma, which is why her children have devoted so many resources to removing the stigma surrounding mental illness.
She suffered from both intense bulimia and borderline personality disorder, both of which were untreated, and she experienced frequent tantrums and incidents of self-harm. Just because her public persona was demure and poised doesn’t mean her issues were not severe.
That’s correct, anecdotes are not data. There is actual data to suggest a correlative relationship between wealth and family size. I’ve already linked to one, here’s another: Meanwhile, the other commenter is only discussi…
Yeah, and Martha’s from Jersey.
There’s tons of data to suggest otherwise, but okay.
I mean, I’m actually quoting a wealthy person, but okay. The poor tend to have large families for a completely different set of reasons. In areas like New York or California in particular, where living space and education is at a premium, having tons of kids is like saying, “look how many dependents I can afford!”
It’s literally my favorite part of this. I clicked the article for the sole reason of discussing Tamra Judge’s comment.
Gasp! It’s almost as if gossip news is nonsensical bullshit. I miss the old school Dirt Bags that dismantled its ridiculousness instead of just reporting it in earnest.
In some circles, among the rich or upwardly mobile, having lots of children is a status symbol which signifies both wealth and a sexually active marriage.
I’m not attacking you or using you as a conduit for my anger, come on now. You are someone I expect to be thoughtful in their commentary and considerate of full context which is why when you say something like, “What if it was a woman pushing her older abusive stepfather down the stairs?,” it reads as reverse…
Why are you so quick to label Raine Spencer as abusive? Why are you so quick to justify this kind of behavior at all?
I think a lot of her issues were hinted at by the Palace at the time, but they were dismissed by press and public as mudslinging damage control and thus didn’t gain traction. If a cheating husband (or worse, his mother) starts balking about his “crazy ex,” most people are inclined to take it with a grain of salt. And l…
Kids can also hate stepparents for absolutely no good reason. Lord knows I misdirected a lot of anger at mine. By most accounts, Raine Spencer was neither toxic nor abusive, just resented by her stepchildren as a perceived threat to their absent mother.
“Diana in Search of Herself: Portrait of a Troubled Princess” by Sally Bedell Smith is said to be the definitive and most balanced Diana biography. It details, among other things, her struggles with mental health. You can read an excerpt here:
There’s nothing off about this story. People idolize her as this perfect demure English rose, but Diana suffered from a variety of severe mental health issues. She had a history of temper tantrums and also once admitted to having thrown herself down a flight of stairs while pregnant in order to anger Charles.
Yeah, he grabbed her off the street and then raped her at knifepoint. That’s no “grey area” date rape. He also shot and killed a man, was charged with second degree murder, plead down and served 7 years for manslaughter.
Abdicate has dual definitions and is a perfectly suitable word in this context, thank you.
Abdicating his title and position would do absolutely nothing to protect them from the press. If anything, it'd make them an even greater target of ire and fascination.
“Salt cod beignet” is just a fancy way of saying “cod fish cake,” which any West Indian has had at any family function ever.