
Oh, American Horror Story. Your subtext will never be nearly as terrifying as the reality which is Trump.

Thanks to the Kinja-ing, it’s pointless to comment on this article now that it’ll be buried under the star hierarchy (seriously, I don’t want to keep harping on it, but this move has absolutely decimated AVC), but oh well:

One defining motif of AH is that Sarah Paulson always begins the season as a helpless, hysterical, screaming mess but transforms into a Ripley type heroine as the show progresses. AH-Cult, unless it harbors a counter to type twist, seems to be setting the stage for that kind of transformation. I agree that Kai’s

I’m surprised that there’s no mention of the big Thing in this - that despite her outrage and anxiety over the Trump victory, Paulson’s character was revealed NOT to have voted for Hillary Clinton. I feel like that changes the dynamic a lot.

My opinions on AHS seem so out of sync with most. I thought Roanoke was a largely successful experiement and I think it was easily the scariest season - with Asylum in distant second. I also loved Hotel, which I consider the ‘funnest’ season - Coven was a lot of fun too. The only seasons I really haven’t liked have

Before the Kinjapocalypse there would have been 1,000 posts on this review by now. Instead we have less than 75.

Yeah, I still can´t get back to my old AV Club account. This is the first time I visit the site since the change, actually. I was wondering if the visits had dropped, cause it seems a lot of commenters are MIA. I also really hate how this whole site looks now, that “blog” way of posting the content feels like there is

Evan Peters’ character does *not* seem to be on the “red” side. He is excited about Trump’s presidency, and perhaps even voted for him, but only because he wants to cause chaos, not because he is a Republican. ((Recent politics have gotten so static-y that we may forget this, but there actually were progressives

Preferred Disqus too.

I fear that many viewers are going to be too distracted by the Trump backdrop to really get what the show is about this season. It isn’t ABOUT Trump or the election. It isn’t about the alt-right nazis or snowflake liberals. At least in the first episode, it’s really about a mentally ill woman whose psychoses intensify

Yeah, this one seems like a great big mess already. You’d think dangerous clowns would fit perfectly in a satire of Trumpism, but good satire usually has to have a laser-like focus, and that’s completely at odds with Ryan Murphy’s attention deficit style. The clowns look good— great designs— but I already feel tired

That was my reaction too, and I’m a basement dwelling weirdo with lots of sympathy for oversensitive gay liberals. (Is that what people mean when they talk about intersectionality?)

Really? I actually thought Roanoke was the best season they’ve done since Asylum. They actually stuck to some rules and plot and in parts, was somewhat scary.

Roanoke was awful for the first half, but was a lot more fun after the “twist” when they switched from the reenactments to present-day. By the end of the season I enjoyed it way more than Hotel and the boring slog that was Freak Show.

Well one thing I have to say that finally the name fits - the election of the orange-faced clown is truly THE American Horror Story... 

There was one scene that felt genuinely tense to me - Peters getting up to give his ridiculous nihilist-bro speech to the city council and then seething with resentment at being swatted away. There was an edge to that - what he’s saying is repulsive but they underestimate just what he might represent. Otherwise it

Remember when Chappelle quit his show when he realized white people were laughing at it for the wrong reasons? I could see that happening to Ryan Murphy and this season of AHS. I hate Trump, too, but this episode was just too precious and seemed designed to inspire responses of “Triggered, snowflake?”